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Extending group


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How to create a class extending group? My intention is to create a popup class that extends group. The idea is to put all sprites, buttons to the group so that I can handle it.


I've done something like that but it doesn't work.


Popup = function(game, parent, name, useStage){};
Popup.prototype = Object.create( Phaser.Group.prototype);
Popup.prototype.constructor = Popup;
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The way you did it should work if you add the phaser group consuctor call in your constructor:


function Popup(game, parent, name, useStage) {

    Phaser.Group.call(this, game, parent, name, useStage);



Popup.prototype = Object.create( Phaser.Group.prototype);
Popup.prototype.constructor = Popup;
or you can do it this way but it won't work if there is typeof check:


function Popup(game, parent, name, useStage) {

    Phaser.Group.call(this, game, parent, name, useStage);



Popup.prototype = Phaser.Utils.extend(true, Popup.prototype, Phaser.Group.prototype);

Popup.prototype.constructor = Popup

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