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Phaser not detecting mouse point properly after canvas show


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Hello! So I've had this problem for a while, basically for about 70 frames after the canvas is shown the mouse point as around {x: 344, y: 614.5} before snapping it to its proper location, regardless, this is really a larger problem then it sounds like.. any way to have it correctly detect the position sooner? not sure how to fix this!



One of the first lines on update is:


var pointer = this.game.input.activePointer;




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Found an oddly easy fix for it! nevermind!

EDIT - Still broken =/


if(($('#main-mapContainer').hasClass('hiddenMap') != true)){
                active = true;
                if(reload == false && (!$("#chatInput").is(":focus"))){
                    player.body.mass = 100;
                    var pointer = this.game.input.activePointer;
                    pointer.dirty = true;
var pointer = this.game.input.activePointer;
            if(($('#main-mapContainer').hasClass('hiddenMap') != true)){
                active = true;
                if(reload == false && (!$("#chatInput").is(":focus"))){
                    player.body.mass = 100;
                    pointer.dirty = true;




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