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Pahser Typescript definition does not contain js doc comments!


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If I'm not mistaken, it should be possible to tweak:




to include the description. I don't have the doc compilation set up, but something like the following should at least get return types and descriptions.

<for each="module" in="data"><if test="module.name != '{GLOBAL}'">declare module {+module.name+} { </if>  <for each="cls" in="module.classes">  export interface {+cls.name+} <if test="cls.inheritsFrom">extends {+ cls.inheritsFrom +} </if> {   <if test="cls.properties.length">    <for each="property" in="cls.properties">      <if test="property.isStatic">static </if>{+property.name+}<if test="property.type">: {+property.type+}</if>;</for></if>  <if test="cls.methods.length"><for each="method" in="cls.methods">      /**       <if test="method.description">* {+ method.description +}</if>       <if test="method.returnType">* @type {{+method.returnType+}}</if>       */      <if test="method.isStatic">static </if>{+method.name+}{+makeSignature(method.params)+}<if test="method.returnType">: {+method.returnType+}</if>;</for>  </if>}</for>  <if test="module.name != '{GLOBAL}'">    }  </if></for>

Note: publish.js would also need to be edited to pass through the description in mapMethod. This could actually do the wrapping and star adding too.

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In the same area, TypeScript,

it seems that some definitions are not accurate:


a) some method parameters should be marked as optional

B) some methods need overload for example the game constructor.

c) Typescript 0,9.1.1 seems to have a big problem that Phaser class is also a module. I had to define a separate PhaserConsts class.




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