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Temporary assets while loading


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Hello there,

  As title rather implies, I just wondered if we can have a temporary asset during loading time. As assets can sometimes be tens of MB, it might be better to load a generic one only to replaced when actual asset is loaded. It is ( and I am ) more sprite oriented but Simcity 4 had a feature of showing a generic box when mod files are missing as seen here


What I consider is using SVG outline of real sprite while loading but this can also be applied to 3D ones until certain extent I believe.

As far as I know, there is no such feature but wondered if it would worth trouble to implement.

Best regards,


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here is what i use:


first of all i ve a simple box named "no3D" with a simple box texture. (this mesh is stored in a array)

then, i use 2 functions to place meshes



i five my elements a name : what_x_y


unplace(what,x,y) (unload ^^)

function unplace(koi,x,y) {scene.getMeshByName(koi+'_'+x+'_'+y).dispose();}


so when i use assetsManager i have somethink like:

if( unknow element)




var aTask = assetsManager.addMeshTask(koi, "", "bb/"+koi+"/", koi+".babylon");
aTask.onSuccess = function(task) { unplace("no3D",x,y);  ... };



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