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How to determine the coordinates of the textures in the Atlas?


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How to determine the coordinates of the textures in the Atlas,  to easily make an animation of 10 and more images ?

My code:

{"frames": [

	"filename": "gems.swf/0000",
	"frame": {"x":19, "y":12, "w":129, "h":129},
	"rotated": false,
	"trimmed": true,
	"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0, "y":0, "w":129, "h":129},
	"sourceSize": {"w":129, "h":129}

    "filename": "gems.swf/0019",
    "frame": {"x":0, "y":1355, "w":447, "h":412},
    "rotated": false,
	"trimmed": true,
	"spriteSourceSize": {"x":-14, "y":-2, "w":447, "h":412},
	"sourceSize": {"w":447, "h":412}
"meta": {
	"version": "1.0",
	"image": "textures.png",
	"format": "RGBA8888",
	"size": {"w":1072,"h":1756},
	"scale": "1",
	"smartupdate": "$TexturePacker:SmartUpdate:c510ff2f709e8d175b059cd1cbe64773$"


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5 minutes ago, rich said:

I don't understand the question. The point of a texture atlas is that each frame is its own entry in the atlas, and has its own unique filename, so you can reference that from your code.

 Explain easier, I have a picture(attached). How to find the coordinates of the red, blue, green rectangles?


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Give them images correct file names before you pack them in atlas (blue.png, red.png, green.png) then you can reference them with that names. 

// (x, y, atlas_key, name_of_image_in_atlas)
this.mySprite = this.game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'atlas_key', 'name_of_image_in_atlas');


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3 minutes ago, lukaMis said:

Give them images correct file names before you pack them in atlas (blue.png, red.png, green.png) then you can reference them with that names. 

So if I call a separate file "blue.png", "green.png", throw them in satin and after specifying their name, I don't have to enter the coordinates of their location? I understood you correctly?

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Lastly I wanted to ask, there is a code:

        musics = new Array ('Main_Theme', 'Main_Theme1', 'Main_Theme2', 'Main_Theme3', 'Main_Theme4', 'Main_Theme5');
        random = Math.floor(Math.random() * musics.length);
        music = this.game.add.audio(musics[random]);

As at the end of the music again to make a mixed music and playing?

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