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How to drag and drop model from local disc


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Hi again, Swat! 

Wow, you have about 14 questions all mixed into 3 questions, there.  ;)

First, drag'n'drop to browsers... it's an html thing... so you can learn about what types of files/data can be DnD... out on the web.  Lots of talk "out there".

But... I think you want to drag and drop models... into an already-rendered scene.  Correct?

Still, I would learn about what types of data can be dragged onto a canvas element (a URL might be a good datatype), and then... hmm... perhaps you would overload the BJS canvas with a onURLDroppedOntoMe() event/handler.  Inside the handler, you call importMesh using the URL.babylon that was dropped onto the canvas.

The "engine" doesn't report what volume and surface area that the incoming mesh will take-up.  That is calculated by code in your scene... that you write.  Likely, you will do bounding box measurements, and instantly scale the model... based-upon measurement findings.  It will be code that runs just after the mesh loading completes.

But, maybe I'm wrong, too.  :)  Others will have ideas, I'm sure.  Be patient. 

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