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Phaser + Cocoonjs Admob integration anybody?


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Hi, we implemented ads (AdMob + Chartboost) into Cocoonjs game in past through MoPub mediation. In Cocoon process is as at link @cardex107 put in his answer. Unfortunately, MoPub console is messy and you do not have control over ad networks SDK version added into your game. In our case terribly old Chartboost SDK was added (reported here:

) ... and in recent days we got warning from Google Play, that we are using old MoPub plugin with security issues and if we do not upgrade till 11th July, then app will be removed.... Not sure what version Cocoonjs is including into build.


 When wrapping with Cordova, implementation is up to you, but it is easy. We did this for hired work game and as mediation we used Heyzap (much better console than MoPub) - implemented ad networks: AdMob, Heyzap, Chartboost, AppLovin, UnityAds. Heyzap has goot integration support and they keep 3rd party plugins on one place (https://github.com/Heyzap/heyzap-cordova-extras). And you keep full control over plugin versions.

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