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Confused by dragging example: what is the argument passed to onDragStart?

Alexander Farber

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Hello again,

I have followed the great advices given me here in the forum and have extended PIXI.Container to create draggable letter tiles for my word game.

Here is my current implementation however I have now a problem with dragging (so I have opened a new topic)  -

07-08 13_30_00-Слова Фарбера _ «Жи», «Ши» пишем с буквой «И».png

"use strict";

function SmallTile() {

        this.interactive = true;
        this.buttonMode = true;
        this.dragging = false;

                .on('mousedown', onDragStart)
                .on('touchstart', onDragStart)
                .on('mouseup', onDragEnd)
                .on('mouseupoutside', onDragEnd)
                .on('touchend', onDragEnd)
                .on('touchendoutside', onDragEnd)
                .on('mousemove', onDragMove)
                .on('touchmove', onDragMove);

        this.bgGraphics = new PIXI.Graphics();
        this.bgGraphics.lineStyle(4, 0xFF00FF, 1);
        this.bgGraphics.beginFill(0xFFCC00, 1);
        this.bgGraphics.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, SmallTile.WIDTH, SmallTile.WIDTH, 15);

        this.letterSprite = new PIXI.Sprite();
        this.indexSprite = new PIXI.Sprite();


SmallTile.prototype = Object.create(PIXI.Container.prototype);
SmallTile.prototype.constructor = SmallTile;

SmallTile.WIDTH = 60;

SmallTile.sDarkLetters  = {};
SmallTile.sWhiteLetters = {};
SmallTile.sDarkIndices  = {};
SmallTile.sWhiteIndices = {};

SmallTile.SHADOW = [ new PIXI.filters.DropShadowFilter() ];
SmallTile.SHADOW[0].alpha = .2;

SmallTile.init = function(darkLettersTexture, whiteLettersTexture, darkIndicesTexture, whiteIndicesTexture) {

        for (var i = 0; i < LETTERS.length; i++) {
                var letter = LETTERS[i];
                var rect = new PIXI.Rectangle(i * SmallTile.WIDTH, 0, SmallTile.WIDTH, SmallTile.WIDTH);

                SmallTile.sDarkLetters[letter]  = new PIXI.Texture(darkLettersTexture, rect);
                SmallTile.sWhiteLetters[letter] = new PIXI.Texture(whiteLettersTexture, rect);

        for (var i = 0; i <= 15; i++) {
                var letter = LETTERS[i];
                var rect = new PIXI.Rectangle(i * SmallTile.WIDTH, 0, SmallTile.WIDTH, SmallTile.WIDTH);

                SmallTile.sDarkIndices[i]  = new PIXI.Texture(darkIndicesTexture, rect);
                SmallTile.sWhiteIndices[i] = new PIXI.Texture(whiteIndicesTexture, rect);


SmallTile.prototype.setLetter = function(letter) {
        this.letterSprite.texture = SmallTile.sDarkLetters[letter];
        this.indexSprite.texture = SmallTile.sDarkIndices[7];

function onDragStart(event) {
    // QUESTION 1: How to save local mouse coords here?
    // QUESTION 2: How to put this SmallTile on top?
    this.data = event.data;
    this.dragging = true;
    this.filters = SmallTile.SHADOW;

function onDragEnd() {
    this.dragging = false;
    this.filters = null;
    this.data = null;

function onDragMove() {
    if (this.dragging) {
        var newPosition = this.data.getLocalPosition(this.parent);
        this.position.x = newPosition.x;
        this.position.y = newPosition.y;

My problem is that when I start dragging a SmallTile, then it jumps to the origin (shown by the red arrow in the attached screenshot).

I am sure this is a well-known beginner's problem and on another platforms (Android, Flash) I solved it by saving the local coordinates of mouse pointer in onDragStart and then subtracting them from mouse coordinates in onDragMove.

But as JavaScript and pixi.js newbie I don't understand yet, how to fix this problem in the above code.

I am confused by the "data" argument passed to the onDragStart function (for example in the pixi.js dragging example).

Is this a MouseEvent instance and how to get the local mouse coordinates from it?

When I look at the PIXI.interaction.InteractionManager doc, I am confused too - am I looking at the right doc and why doesn't it describe its "onMouseDown" member (like which arguments does it have)?

Finally, here is my main invoking code and I would also be very glad to receive hints for another "well-known" problem: which code to add in SmallTile onDragStart function so that its "depth" is changed and it is put above all other children of its parent container?

"use strict";

var LETTERS = [ '*', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' ];

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

        var renderer = new PIXI.WebGLRenderer(600, 600);
        var boardDiv = document.getElementById('board');

        var stage = new PIXI.Container();

        var loader = new PIXI.loaders.Loader('/drawable-mdpi/');
        loader.add('board1' ,'game_board_1.png')
                .add('dark_small_letters', 'dark-letters-1980x60.png')
                .add('dark_large_letters', 'dark-letters-3564x108.png')
                .add('dark_small_indices', 'dark-indices-960x60.png')
                .add('dark_large_indices', 'dark-indices-1728x108.png')
                .add('white_small_indices', 'white-indices-960x60.png')
                .add('white_small_letters', 'white-letters-1980x60.png')

        function init() {
                var board1 = new PIXI.Sprite(loader.resources.board1.texture);


                for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                        var tile = new SmallTile();
                        tile.x = i * 60;
                        tile.y = i * 60;


        function animate() {



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That's a snippet from one of my games:

I dont remember why dragMove is using the same data that onDragStart got, but i think thats because we need to know which finger or mouse are doing the drag :)

function onDragStart(event) {
   this.data = event.data;
   this.start_data = {x: event.data.originalEvent.screenX, y: event.data.originalEvent.screenY};
   this.dragPos = this.data.getLocalPosition(this.parent);
   this.oldPosition = new PIXI.Point();
   this.dragging = true;
function onDragEnd(event) {
   var ev_data = event.data.originalEvent;
   //if real dragend and not a click
   if (this.start_data) {
       if (Math.abs(this.start_data.x - ev_data.screenX) > 2 || Math.abs(this.start_data.y - ev_data.screenY) > 2)
   this.dragging = false;
   // set the interaction data to null
   this.data = null;

function onDragMove() {
   if (this.dragging) {
       var newDragPos = this.data.getLocalPosition(this.parent);
       var pv = this.position, pv2 = this.oldPosition;
// I actually dont remember + or - , I did it with pivot but in your case its a position
       pv.x = pv2.x + (newDragPos.x - this.dragPos.x);
       pv.y = pv2.y + (newDragPos.y - this.dragPos.y);


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