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how to pitch an ArcRotateCamera?


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my ArcRotateCam should permanently look down to 18 degrees relative to it's "real" angle (looking to the target).

For that I tried to use within each render-loop:

myArcCam.rotation.x -= Math.PI/10


myArcCam.cameraRotation.x -= Math.PI/10

without success.

I also tried to apply a modified matrix to he camera but this doesn't seem to be allowed.

Another idea was to add another camera, parent it to my arcRotateCamera and let the nested camera look down. But then the controls dowsn't work anymore.

Also with registerAfterRender no success.


Thanks for advices!

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Hi @jellix, good to see you again.

I was touring-around on the camera object...  console.log(camera) and then go click on the object in the F12 dev tools area, and you get an object inspector...

(I really like object inspectors, so I push everyone towards using them)  :)

ANYway... I found an interesting property, that lead to this... camera.targetScreenOffset.y = 25;

Don't ask me what that '25' means.  degrees?  newtons?  calories?  Dunno.  Probably pixels... because .targetScreenOffset is a Vector2. 

All in all, it sure does pitch-down the view...  from an arc-tater cam... quite well.  Might work for you. Party on!

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