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this.game, this.rnd, .etc undefined when using prototypes?


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Hi all, 

I am in the process of refactoring my code to use states for menus and loading screens. I'm trying to use the Basic template (https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/tree/master/resources/Project Templates/Basic) and am having issues with this.game and this.rnd being undefined when passing it into functions in the prototype. The parts with issue look something like:


BasicGame.Game = function (game){



BasicGame.Game.prototype = {
  create : function(){

    //code that creates enemy group


  launchEnemy : function (){
    var choice = this.rnd.integerInRange(1,4);
    //code that launches enemy


//rest of code



And this.rnd and this.game are both undefined. I tried doing something like:

BasicGame.Game = function (game){



BasicGame.Game.prototype = {
  create : function(){

    //code that creates enemy group
    BasicGame.Game.prototype.launchEnemy(this.game, this.rnd);


  launchEnemy : function (myGame, myRnd){
    var choice = myRnd.integerInRange(1,4);
    //code that launches enemy

    BasicGame.Game.prototype.launchEnemy(myGame, myRnd);

//rest of code


Without passing the myGame and myRnd to the recursive call one enemy is spawned before the variables are undefined, and then when I do pass them into the recursive call the console says "too much recursion" and nothing happens. I think there should be a stop case for the recursion, but am wondering if there is a more practical way of dealing with this, like making this.rnd and this.game visible to all the functions within the prototype? I tried declaring a variable outside the prototype with the rest of my variables eg. var myGame = this.game, but it was undefined when trying to use it.


Any help is appreciated, thanks!

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Hi bloosnail, within those methods you should reference the current state as this:

BasicGame.Game.prototype = {

    create: function (){

    launchEnemy: function (){
        var choice = this.rnd.integerInRange(1,4);
        // …


The "too much recursion" problem is happening because BasicGame.Game.prototype.launchEnemy is calling itself.

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