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Game size : screen height minus a few pixels


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I've been looking around for it but couldn't find an answer.

I scale my game with SHOW_ALL, but I have a 25px navbar on top of my screen using absolute positioning, so the top of the game is hidden under the bar. I put an empty div with a 25px margin-top in my page body to fix that, and now the navbar and the game don't overlap each other anymore, but the game keeps the same size instead of resizing to (screen height - 25px) so the full game doesn't appear anymore on screen, I have to scroll down 25px to see the bottom.

Is there a way to scale the game to ( SHOW_ALL - '25px in height' ) ? I don't want to have a vertical scrollbar at all.

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Thanks a lot ! It works fine on my desktop, as well as on mobile, but for some reason it doesn't on my laptop (game sticks to the top of the screen below the navbar, even though it has every needed CSS values active). Sometimes the website is slow to update though, even when I wipe the cache multiple times, so hopefully it'll end up working fine in a couple of hours on my laptop as well.


EDIT: alright it's perfect now, works everywhere. Thanks again !

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