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Groups Collision


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I'm following an online tutorial and had a question regarding the code shown below.

I was wondering what this.add(floorTile) does?   I assume this is adding the floor tile sprites to a group?

Note, I have removed much of the code for brevity. 


    this.floorPool = this.add.group();
    this.platformPool = this.add.group();
    this.platform = new MrHop.Platform(this.game, this.floorPool, 12, 0, 200);

MrHop.Platform.prototype.prepare = function(numTiles, x, y) {
  this.alive = true; 
  var i = 0;
  while(i < numTiles){  
    var floorTile = this.floorPool.getFirstExists(false);
    if(!floorTile) {
      floorTile = new Phaser.Sprite(this.game, x + i * this.tileSize, y, 'floor');
    else {
      floorTile.reset(x + i * this.tileSize, y);

  update: function() {    
    this.platformPool.forEachAlive(function(platform, index){
      this.game.physics.arcade.collide(this.player, platform);
    }, this);





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