reopucino Posted November 23, 2016 Share Posted November 23, 2016 hello guys, I'm new with phaser, and have try and learn with phaser. Now i try to create a clone game you can check here but i have problem when playing with phone look like this here is a full code of my game window.onload = function(){ game = new Phaser.Game(480, 480, Phaser.AUTO); game.state.add("GameArea", Gamearea); game.state.start("GameArea"); } var Gamearea = function(game){}; Gamearea.prototype = { firstClick:true, nodeCheck : [], init:function(){ this.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true; this.scale.pageAlignVertically = true; }, preload:function(){ this.load.path = "assets/"; game.stage.backgroundColor = "#3F7CB6"; this.load.spritesheet('shape', 'simple-img.png', 50,50); }, create:function(){ this.simpleShape =; var firstCheck = false; for(var i = 0;i <8;i++){ for(var j =0; j<8;j++){ var sShape = this.simpleShape.create( 5+60*i, 5+60*j, 'shape'); sShape.inputEnabled = true; sShape.arX = i; sShape.arY = j; sShape.isCheck = false; sShape.indexNumberArray = -1; if(!firstCheck){ firstCheck = true; sShape.indexNumberArray = 0; sShape.isCheck = true; sShape.tint = 0xFFF000; this.nodeCheck.push(sShape); } } } }, update:function(){ if(this.input.activePointer.isDown){ this.simpleShape.forEach(this.clickShape, this); if(this.firstClick)this.firstClick = false; } else{ if(!this.firstClick)this.firstClick = true; } }, clickShape:function(whatNode){ if(whatNode.input.pointerOver()) { this.checkingLastNode(whatNode); } }, checkingLastNode:function(newNode){ if(!newNode.isCheck){ var lastIntNode = this.nodeCheck.length-1; var lastNode = this.nodeCheck[lastIntNode]; if(lastNode.arX == newNode.arX){ if(lastNode.arY+1 == newNode.arY || lastNode.arY-1 == newNode.arY){ //console.log("down or up from last node"); newNode.tint = 0xFFF000; newNode.isCheck = true; newNode.indexNumberArray = this.nodeCheck.length; this.nodeCheck.push(newNode); } } else if(lastNode.arY == newNode.arY){ if(lastNode.arX+1 == newNode.arX || lastNode.arX-1 == newNode.arX){ //console.log("left or right from last node"); newNode.tint = 0xFFF000; newNode.isCheck = true; newNode.indexNumberArray = this.nodeCheck.length; this.nodeCheck.push(newNode); } } } else{ if(this.firstClick){ var removeNodeUntil = newNode.indexNumberArray+1; while(this.nodeCheck.length > removeNodeUntil){ var lastNode = this.nodeCheck[this.nodeCheck.length-1]; lastNode.tint = 0xFFFFFF; lastNode.isCheck = false; lastNode.indexNumberArray = -1; this.nodeCheck.pop(); } } else{ //is_cliciking var lastIntNode = this.nodeCheck.length-2; var lastNode = this.nodeCheck[lastIntNode]; if(newNode == lastNode){ var removeNode = this.nodeCheck[this.nodeCheck.length-1]; removeNode.tint = 0xFFFFFF; removeNode.isCheck = false; removeNode.indexNumberArray = -1; this.nodeCheck.pop(); //console.log("aav"); } } } }, render:function(){ //game.debug.pointer( game.input.activePointer ); } } because im starting game engine with flashpunk, with is more wonted with update function beside adding new events >.< the question is 1. can some body explain why this pointer problem when using mobile, or any article of that?(if im playing with pc this is normal) * 2. can I still using update function for my problem? if yes can show me how look like the code? here is when this game playing with mouse Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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