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[BUG?] Phaser (2.4.8 to 2.6.2) - Sprites flicker at x:0 y:0

Matthias Elephant

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i had to update phaser in my game to a newer version (because of a sound bug - fixed in 2.5.0), so i took the latest (2.6.2). My sound problem is solved, but i got another problem.

Sprites that are created/ resettet "on the fly" flickers in the top left corner, before they jump to their position. It is not important if i set the position initially or change it direct after the creation.

"On the fly" means, sprites that are created/ resettet while the game is running. So they are not created in the "create" function.



var sprite1 = this.game.add.sprite(100, 100, '...');

var sprite2 = this.game.add.sprite(0, 0, '...');
sprite2.position.y = 100;


Someone with the same problem? How to solve it?


Thanks you :)

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Found it.

Bug just happens if you use:


this.game.time.slowMotion = 2.0;

no problems, if i use:


this.game.time.slowMotion = 1.0;

I used the value "2" because after some tests i realized that i got a better performance. I think physics calculation needs 50% less then with an value of "1".

What you think about? I think sprites shouldn't placed at top left corner. Independent of the slowMotion property.

@rich: Is it a bug?

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