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Particle storm not compatible with CE


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hmm, I am getting more errors just going from 2.6.2. to 2.7.0 (the first CS version):

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Triangulate' of undefined. The call stack starts at line 61741 (in Phaser.RequestAnimationFrame). 

I'm also getting warnings from webgl: "glDrawElements: Source and destination textures of the draw are the same."

These appear to be deep-engine conflicts. I'm a little concerned because normally going from one version of Phaser to the next is a simple task. Sometimes there are bugs, but they are obvious, easy to fix and generally float above the surface.

Could it be that all these bugs are a result of the new un-curated style of open-source development of Phaser 2? Or am I just being paranoid and these bugs would be there regardless? It was one of my biggest anxieties when I first heard about CE. I know all the benefits of lowering the bar for contributions (you discussed those at length in Phaser World and patreon), but what about the cons - how heavily were they considered (I didn't hear much about them)?

If no one person is in control of the repo, I have less faith in its success, because it can end up like a chicken with its head cut off. In any creative endeavor, there needs to be at least one dude calling the shots, bringing everything into unity. I just don't want Phaser 2 to suffer from too-many-cooks syndrome. 

Anyway, I say all this, just because I want to voice my concerns, not because I necessarily think CE is a bad idea. also, I want some of that hot steamy multitexture support - I don't quite understand it what is is yet, but I sure want it! 

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The triangulate error is because EarClip was missed out of the build process. It was fixed as soon as it was spotted (the day after I announced CE) and is sorted in 2.7.1 (the version you get if you currently build the source in the repo).

Just to be 100% clear: I will not be updating any of the plugins to support the CE versions. Plugins are locked to 2.6.2, although as it stands they should all work with 2.7.1. I can't guarantee that will remain the situation going forward though. There's no telling how divergent CE will become. It all depends what is done with it. Perhaps not much? Perhaps a lot. Time will tell. But it needs to be given the chance to do so.

If 'stability' (re: the changing of the API) is an issue, then I'd recommend avoiding CE for existing projects, and perhaps only experimenting with it for new things. Personally I'm more than happy with the PRs that have gone into CE so far. They've all been bug fixes in one way or another.

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