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My touch input doesnt work on phones.


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Hi guys, i implemented touch controls for my game, but they dont work on phones, only in computers with a mouse. Im using this:

//In create function:
game.input.mouse.capture = true;

//And update:
update: function(){

The only thing that i wanted to do with that is start the game state when you click on the screen, and it works perfectly in my computer, but in my phone does nothing, and it should because in phaser docs it says this:

A Pointer object is used by the Mouse, Touch and MSPoint managers and represents a single finger on the touch screen.

So guys can anyone explain me whi this isnt working? thanks.

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7 hours ago, 3ddy said:


game.input.onDown.add(this.changeStateFunction, this);


Maybe that will work for star the game, but for making the player movements, i think it wouldnt, because my player movements look like this right now:

   	if(game.input.activePointer.leftButton.isDown && game.input.activePointer.position.x <= 128){
		player.body.velocity.x = -velocityy;

	if(game.input.activePointer.leftButton.isDown && game.input.activePointer.position.x >= 128){
		player.body.velocity.x = velocityy;

    else {
        player.frame = 3;

As you can see i cant use game.input.onDown.add(this.movementFunction, this);

Pff i dont know how im going to solve this, but thanks anyway.

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3 minutes ago, 3ddy said:

Just use game.input.onDown and on callback check where was the 'touch', then move the player according to touch position

Could you show me a little example about how to do it? I usually dont need all that help but im so confused.

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Hey! I'm learning phaser too and I'm not sure if this is the solution but it might go like this:

game.input.onDown.add((function(e) {
     if(e.position.x <= 128) {
          player.body.velocity = -velocityy;
     } else {
          player.body.velocity.x = velocityy;

)); <-- I missed this after the last }, I hope this help you!

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