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Shader Problems


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Hi Guys IM trying to create a water shader from some code I found online, but I having this error , if you guys know how to fix it please let me know how. blow the error and the code 




Shader "BabylonJS/waterShader" {
	Properties {
		_Color ("Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
		_Brightness ("Intensity", Range(1.0, 10.0)) = 1.0
		[NoScaleOffset] _MainTex ("Albedo (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
		_ScaleX ("Scale Factor X", Range (0.0, 10.0)) = 1.0
		_ScaleY ("Scale Factor Y", Range (0.0, 10.0)) = 1.0
		_Metallic ("Metallic", Range(0,1)) = 0.0
		_Glossiness ("Smoothness", Range(0,1)) = 0.5
		[ToggleOff] _NeedsAlphaTesting ("Needs Alpha Testing", Int) = 0
		[ToggleOff] _NeedsAlphaBlending ("Needs Alpha Blending", Int) = 0
		[Enum(Disable,0,Additive,1,Combine,2,Subtract,3,Multiply,4,Maximized,5,OneOne,6)] _AlphaMode ("Alpha Blending Mode", int) = 2
	SubShader {
		Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }


			#ifdef BABYLON
			// attributes: ["position", "normal", "uv"]
			// uniforms: ["worldViewProjection, _Color, _Brightness, _Glossiness, _Metallic, _ScaleX, _ScaleY"]
			// samplers: []
			// defines: []
			// #endif //BABYLON-END

			attributes: []
			uniforms: ["waterHeight, time, numWaves, amplitude, wavelength, speed, direction, eyePos,envMap, gl_NormalMatrix, gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix"]
			samplers: []
			defines: []
			#endif //BABYLON-END

			#ifdef VERTEX
			// attribute vec3 position;
			// attribute vec3 normal;
			// attribute vec2 uv;
			// uniform mat4 worldViewProjection;
			// precision highp float;

			// varying vec2 vUV;
			// void main(void)
			// {
			// 	gl_Position = worldViewProjection * vec4(position, 1.0);
			// 	vUV = uv;
			// }

			const float pi = 3.14159;
			uniform float waterHeight;
			uniform float time;
			uniform int numWaves;
			uniform float amplitude[8];
			uniform float wavelength[8];
			uniform float speed[8];
			uniform vec2 direction[8];
			varying vec3 position;
			varying vec3 worldNormal;
			varying vec3 eyeNormal;
			highp vec4 gl_Position; // should be written to
			mediump float gl_PointSize;

			float wave(int i, float x, float y) {
				float frequency = 2.0*pi/wavelength[i];
				float phase = speed[i] * frequency;
				float theta = dot(direction[i], vec2(x, y));
				return amplitude[i] * sin(theta * frequency + time * phase);

			float waveHeight(float x, float y) {
				float height = 0.0;
				for (int i = 0.0; i < numWaves; ++i)
					height += wave(i, x, y);
				return height;

			float dWavedx(int i, float x, float y) {
				float frequency = 2.0*pi/wavelength[i];
				float phase = speed[i] * frequency;
				float theta = dot(direction[i], vec2(x, y));
				float A = amplitude[i] * direction[i].x * frequency;
				return A * cos(theta * frequency + time * phase);

			float dWavedy(int i, float x, float y) {
				float frequency = 2.0*pi/wavelength[i];
				float phase = speed[i] * frequency;
				float theta = dot(direction[i], vec2(x, y));
				float A = amplitude[i] * direction[i].y * frequency;
				return A * cos(theta * frequency + time * phase);

			vec3 waveNormal(float x, float y) {
				float dx = 0.0;
				float dy = 0.0;
				for (int i = 0; i < numWaves; ++i) {
					dx += dWavedx(i, x, y);
					dy += dWavedy(i, x, y);
				vec3 n = vec3(-dx, -dy, 1.0);
				return normalize(n);

			void main(void) {
				vec4 pos = gl_Vertex;
				pos.z = waterHeight + waveHeight(pos.x, pos.y);
				position = pos.xyz / pos.w;
				worldNormal = waveNormal(pos.x, pos.y);
				eyeNormal = gl_NormalMatrix * worldNormal;
				gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * pos;

			#endif //VERTEX-END

			#ifdef FRAGMENT
			// precision highp float;

			// varying vec2 vUV;
			// uniform vec4 _Color;
			// uniform float _Brightness;
			// uniform float _Glossiness;
			// uniform float _Metallic;
			// uniform float _ScaleX;
			// uniform float _ScaleY;
			// uniform sampler2D _MainTex;

			// void main(void)
			// {
			// 	gl_FragColor = texture2D(_MainTex, vec2(vUV.x * _ScaleX, vUV.y * _ScaleY)) * _Color * _Brightness;
			// }
			varying vec3 position;
			varying vec3 worldNormal;
			varying vec3 eyeNormal;
			uniform vec3 eyePos;
			uniform samplerCube envMap;

			void main(void) {
				vec3 eye = normalize(eyePos - position);
				vec3 r = reflect(eye, worldNormal);
				vec4 color = textureCube(envMap, r);
				color.a = 0.5;
				gl_FragColor = color;

			#endif //FRAGMENT-END 


			#pragma exclude_renderers d3d11 xbox360 gles
			#pragma surface surf Standard fullforwardshadows
			#pragma target 3.0
			sampler2D _MainTex;
			struct Input {
				float2 uv_MainTex;
			half _Brightness;
			half _Glossiness;
			half _Metallic;
			half _ScaleX;
			half _ScaleY;
			fixed4 _Color;
			void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) {
				// Albedo comes from a texture tinted by color
				float2 vUV = IN.uv_MainTex;
				fixed4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, float2(vUV.x * _ScaleX, vUV.y * _ScaleY)) * _Color * _Brightness;
				o.Albedo = c.rgb;
				// Metallic and smoothness come from slider variables
				o.Metallic = _Metallic;
				o.Smoothness = _Glossiness;
				o.Alpha = c.a;

	FallBack "Diffuse"



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