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[SOLVED]Is 'mesh.clone' better than 'new' or 'MeshBuilder.CreateXXX' ?


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Hi guys,

From the performance perspective, I used to think that 'clone' a mesh is totally the same as creating a new one with 'new' or 'MeshBuilder.CreateXXX' ,until I saw this article: https://blog.raananweber.com/2015/09/03/scene-optimization-in-babylon-js/

Well, comparing the three: Mesh.createInstance, Mesh.clone, MeshBuilder.CreateXXX (or 'new'):

First, It's no doubt that the 'createInstance' has the best performance,  what I care about is does 'Mesh.clone' have better performance than MeshBuilder.CreateXXX (or 'new')?

To make my question more 'straightforward', can someone please let me know the right or wrong for the below descriptions:

CODE1:  sphere1 = MeshBuilder.createXXX();   sphere2 = MeshBuilder.createXXX();

CODE2:  sphere1 = MeshBuilder.createXXX();   sphere2 = sphere1.clone('a name');

Descriptions (right or wrong?):

#1.  CODE1 and CODE2 should have the same draw calls 2, because only 'createInstance' can make the draw calls to 1.

#2.  CODE2 has less GPU memory usage than CODE1, since they are sharing the same buffer.

#3.  CODE2 takes slightly less render time,  since it has less 'bindBuffer' called each frame.


Thank you! 

Edited by heyzxz
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