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Particle emitter.start


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The doc api don't reflect the code and the behavior of Emitter.start for the quantity parameter in Phaser.

In the doc we can read : [ quantity :  How many particles to launch. 0 = "all of the particles" which will keep emitting until Emitter.maxParticles is reached. ]

For me is more something like [ quantity :  How many particles will be launched. 0 = "keep launching particle forever".   ]

I'm wrong ?

Best regards,

Emitter.start(explode, lifespan, frequency, quantity, forceQuantity)

quantity :  How many particles to launch. 0 = "all of the particles" which will keep emitting until Emitter.maxParticles is reached.

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It's usually easier to use Emitter#explode or Emitter#flow instead.

The 2.6.2 docs on Emitter#start are a bit misleading. With explodes=true, you have to pass a quantity > 0. With explode=false, quantity=0 means stay on forever and release particles as long as there are some available.

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