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How to define gamesize?


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I want my game to be the size of the white area(as linked below) and the grey area should still be able to interact with the game(white area) via (Phaser-)buttons etc. meanwhile the gamestage/gamearea should only be on the white rectangular.


Is that possible? I´m looking for something to create "walls".




Thank you

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I've done it. You end up offsetting the game world. There is an example somewhere 


In your create 

customBounds = { left: null, right: null, top: null, bottom: null };
createPreviewBounds(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);


function createPreviewBounds(x, y, w, h) {
    var sim = game.physics.p2;
    var mask = sim.boundsCollisionGroup.mask;
    customBounds.left = new p2.Body({ mass: 0, position: [ sim.pxmi(x), sim.pxmi(y) ], angle: 1.5707963267948966 });
    customBounds.left.addShape(new p2.Plane());
    customBounds.right = new p2.Body({ mass: 0, position: [ sim.pxmi(x + w), sim.pxmi(y) ], angle: -1.5707963267948966 });
    customBounds.right.addShape(new p2.Plane());
    customBounds.top = new p2.Body({ mass: 0, position: [ sim.pxmi(x), sim.pxmi(y) ], angle: -3.141592653589793 });
    customBounds.top.addShape(new p2.Plane());
    customBounds.bottom = new p2.Body({ mass: 0, position: [ sim.pxmi(x), sim.pxmi(y + h) ] });
    customBounds.bottom.addShape(new p2.Plane());


The top area is referenced via negative coords.


If that is too hard, you can make the world too big for the screen and then in your update use the camera position to determine where the fixed areas display on teh screen

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