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Max - Babylon Exporter wierdness


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Hi All,


We are facing a strange problem when exporting a babylon file from Max. Let us say we have 6 models. when we export, all the 5 models of the six stays intact, but the 6th model, is displaced to the top. Any reason why ? (AS shown in figure attached).

3dsmax version:2017 ,exporter_version:0.4.5

Any possible reason why ? because we are not able to identify why this model alone is displaced after exporting.



displacement problem.png

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Thank you very much Raggar, My 3d person says that the pivot point for each of the mesh is of its own, and has no relation to each other, and they all get exported properly, and why this gets shifted ? :(

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On top of it, the meshes that are exported, is not generating pickResult.hit, so any click on these meshes is not sensed :(

Any help will be much appreciated. As we are new in this, we are out of options as we don't know where we are going wrong.

Help Please !

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I've seen this happen, this is most likely caused by the keyframed animations.

Not sure if it's still relevant or will solve your issues:

On 8/24/2016 at 1:57 PM, max123 said:

I have reported the same issue here

For now, I use the following work-around:
- Make sure all animations start at frame 2.
- Add suffix to Actions
- in Babylon, iterate through all meshes in the scene and initiate animations from Frame1 to Frame2, like so:


for (var i = 0; i < meshes.length; i++) {
    var obj = meshes[i];
    if(obj.animations.length > 0) {
        scene.beginAnimation(obj, 1, 2);


I do hope this gets fixed though as sometimes this creates weird jumps.


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33 minutes ago, Sac said:

Also any idea why the pickResult.hit, is not happening on these meshes (I used Append to add them to the scene) ?

Something do with local vs global coordinates? I think pickResult.hit works in local space.

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Just now, brianzinn said:

Are they pickable - ie: in loader set importedMesh.isPickable = true?

How to set it Pickable ? I am using Append to load the meshes, and I cycled through the loaded meshes and did

mesh.pickable = true;

but no effect.

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unfortunately, further revelations, The Weirdness doesn't stop with just displacing a mesh. Some of the meshes do not have materials and its values applied from max. and further more, some mesh has texture UVs and some doesn't have the texture UVs, and on top of it the ones which has texture UVs doesn't have the texture name in it.

Is there something that we are missing in Max or in exporter that causes these problems ?

Can someone throw some light on me, so we can correct our wrongs.

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