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External Signal


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Is it possible (receive / send) signal form the scene?   I will try better explain  with a exemple I have in mind.


My idea is to create a 3D scene (like one HOME) using FPS camera to run arround it and check the status of the lights inside of it.

Let  suppose I will create a Home Interface(UI) to have (input/output) signals from a code to be displayed in a 3D scene.

For exemple: When a user turn on the light in a certain place of the house ....we can send the signal to the UI to show the user in a 3D a light inside the place on.

Thanks in advance.



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Hi DeltaKosh

I have a 3D scene created in 3Dmax...... Let  suppose I created a cube in 3Dmax and I exported it to xxx.babylon.

How can I have a signal from the scene rendered in canvas from the cube above mentioned.


- user click on cube and I can have:   1

- user click on cube again it goes :   0 


Can you point me a entry like you did in the post above.


Thank you.


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Hi @47box and welcome to the forum and BabylonJS. Unfortunately your question is not entirely clear which is maybe a translation to English problem. The title External Signal with the your text makes it sound like you want to switch on a real switch in a real home and have BabylonJS switch on a virtual switch in a virtual home on your computer.

However perhaps you mean you have a model of a home in BabylonJS and as the user moves around the home and sees different rooms in the model you want the user to click on a switch in the model and have the room light come on in the model. In other words you want a user to click on a mesh and have something change in the scene. If this is so then this playground might help you start  http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#187MLU#1 click on sphere to change its color. If this is what you need this page from the documentation should help http://doc.babylonjs.com/tutorials/how_to_use_actions. A search for lights in the documentation might also be useful.

If you truly mean a UI for your real home to cause a reaction in a scene of BabylonJS then this would be beyond my expertise.

Good luck with your project

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Hi Jhon,

"The title External Signal with the your text makes it sound like you want to switch on a real switch in a real home and have BabylonJS switch on a virtual switch in a virtual home on your computer."  ----->   You understood perfectly what I want to do. :)

I got your links and I will have a look to check it will fill my idea. At first point I´m a bit confused because I´ve been tring to get  a framework I will use (I means I just take a superficial overview of the frameworks to check it will fill my needs ). You gave me a good entries to check it.

I´m appreciated your info Jhon. Thank you very much. Have a good day!!! :)

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