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Need help playing death animation


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Hello! I want to do a death animation but I can't get it, last thing I tried was using events, but I need some help here

I was doing this on the create function:

this.player.events.onKilled.add(function(){this.player.animations.play('death')}, this);

But it seems to do nothing, would be because the sprite is already killed? I am killing the sprite by damage() method. I don't know what else to do! And I can't find anything useful on Google

Hope you can help me out!

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8 minutes ago, samme said:

Yes, you need to set player.exists=true when playing the animation and then exists=false again when the animation is done.

I'm doing this:

this.death= this.player.animations.add('death', Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames('death_', 1, 10), 5, true);

            this.player.exists = true;
                this.player.exist = false;
        }, this)

Now the player still there, but the animation is not playing. I have corroborated that the animation is working, is there anything I'm doing wrong?

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I've corrected my mistake in the last exists, but now it just disappear, and if I take out the if clause the behaviour is the same as recently, still there, existing.

this.death= this.player.animations.add('death', Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames('death_', 1, 10), 5, true);

            this.player.exists = true;
                this.player.exists = false;
        }, this)


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If is useful for someone, I'm posting the solution I found:

           var death = this.game.add.sprite(this.player.body.x,this.player.body.y,'vikingoAnim');

            //Here I add my animation         

            death.animations.add('death', Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames('death_', 1, 10), 7, false);
           //I put the animations.play in the die variable            
            die = death.animations.play('muerte');
           //Kill animation when completes
            die.killOnComplete = true;
        }, this);


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