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How to implement clipping planes as with Three.js?


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I have successfully to add multiple clipping planes by using CutomMaterial. However I have got further problems.

I am using SSAO2 and it uses the GeometryBufferRenderer which can output a Depth texture and a Normal texture. BUT the buffers do not take into account the clipping planes so that I will get shadow where it should not.

I understand that I need to customize the shaders so that I can insert necessary uniform variables and clipping plane logic.


I tried to inherit from GeometryBufferRenderer and would like to override its internal effects but there were too many private variables. And even if I can do it, I need to replace the default GeometryBufferRenderer in the Scene class. This is also not possible as it was a private member...


Help needed! 

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5 hours ago, Deltakosh said:

Hello the simplest hack would be to replace BABYLON.Effect.ShadersStore["geometryPixelShader"] by the string of your own shader

The original string is:https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/blob/master/src/Shaders/geometry.fragment.fx



Yeah but how can I update the internal effect each time the uniforms(planes) should be modified?

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9 hours ago, Deltakosh said:

You can add code to material.onBindObservable and get material.getEffect() to set the values you want

Hum....but GeomertryBufferRenderer is not a Material. It holds directly a private "Effect". I cannot get it...as...it is private. 

And the GeometryBufferRenderer inside Scene is also private... 

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