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Capitaine Herlock

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Hi, i am trying to continue Phaserquest in the GitHubGameOff GameJam so i've started from a basic example using EasyStarJS but i need to animate the character and the tween is really complicated even if the answer was found on the forum

So my question is :

How can we animate a character starting  from the "Player Animation" commit in this git https://github.com/reneromain/GitHubGameOff/ i don't know if my question is clear

if(this.ismoving === true){
        i = 0,
        ilen = path.length;
        function moveObject( object ){
          if(path.length > 1){
            object.ismoving = true;
            var StepX = path[i].x || false, StepY = path[i].y || false;
            tween = game.add.tween( object ).to({ x: StepX*32, y: StepY*32}, 150).start();
            dx = path[i].x;
              if(i < ilen){
                if (path[i].x > dx) {
                // TODO : Animate left, up, down
                moveObject( object );
                return false;
            //@TODO add emoticon - no path (!)
            this.ismoving = false;


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