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Texture not Binding to Shader?


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Ok so I have my little animated atlas shader and I am to the point where I want to add 'sub-layers' or overlays to each plane with the shader on it.

So everything works, except the texture bound to the overlayA does not ever seem to display the correct data.  If I just try to output the overlayA as well it just seems to load up the atlas texture which I do not understand at all!

Here is the working example with no overlay added https://pryme8.github.io/TileMaster/dev/demo.html

Then here is the one with the overlay added: https://pryme8.github.io/TileMaster/dev/demo_broke.html

As far as I can tell I am handling the textures the same way.
Maybe Im missing something...
There may be some bugs and things because I have been tearing down and re arranging the code trying to figure out what the heck is going on.

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		this.shader = new BABYLON.ShaderMaterial("basicShader", this.parent.scene, {
			vertex: "basic",
			fragment: "basic",
			attributes: ["position", "normal", "uv"],
			uniforms: ["world",
			"view", "viewOffset",
			"tileSize", "time", "projection",
			"globalLight", "fps",
			"sprites", "tiles", "animationMap", "overlayA"]

effectively that did nothing, did I do it correctly?

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That fixed it thanks @Deltakosh, your constantly my favorite person on the internet.

Now what happens when I do not use all the shaders i added to the list, do I need to bind a blank texture to them or something to prevent the webGL error?

the demo should be working now I know its not impressive because of my lack of ability at pixl art but its getting there as far as what I was creating it for.

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Look here:


the #if DIFFUSE will allow the shader to expect a diffuse texture only if I call the Shader compilation with a defines string set to "#define DIFFUSE"


The defines string is part of the ShaderMaterial options that you can set in the constructor (where you already set up the samplers for instance)

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so like:

this.shader = new BABYLON.ShaderMaterial("basicShader", this.parent.scene, {
			vertex: "basic",
			fragment: "basic",
			attributes: ["position", "normal", "uv"],
			uniforms: ["world",
			"view", "viewOffset",
			"tileSize", "time", "projection",
			"globalLight", "fps"],
            samplers:["sprites", "tiles", "animationMap", "overlayA"],
            defines:["ANIMATED", "OVERA"]


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ah semi colon separated? gotcha.

and so do like #define ANIMATED;

and then I can do in the shader

do animation stuff


can I change defines after creation of the shader? or do I need to rebind the whole thing?

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Ok cool, which wont really come into effect with my final product because everything will be loaded from a serialized file and so by the time it comes to compiling the shader everything will effectively be known.

Thanks for your help!

Last question, how when I bind textures would I bind for a texture array?
this.shader.setTexture('overlays[0]', this._overlays[0]);

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When I did the define string:

var defines = "#define LAYERS "+parseInt(this.layers.length)+";";		
		this.shader = new BABYLON.ShaderMaterial("basicShader", this._core.scene, {
			vertex: "editor",
			fragment: "editor",
			attributes: ["position", "normal", "uv"],
			defines: defines,
			uniforms: ["world",
			"view", "viewOffset",
			"time", "spriteSize"]

It did something really weird here is a copy from the console output on the error that drops:

BJS - [12:17:56]: Vertex shader: editor
1    #
2    d
3    e
4    f
5    i
6    n
7    e
9    L
10    A
11    Y
12    E
13    R
14    S
16    0
17    ;

looks like it splits the string up into separate lines and of course that messes up the shader.

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Hi, I'm not sure if this will fix your problem, but defines must be array. like 

var defines = ["#define LAYERS "+parseInt(this.layers.length)+";"];

edit , more simplified version :D

var defines = ["#define LAYERS "+parseInt(this.layers.length)];


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is there a better way to do this:

var defines = []	
defines.push("#define LAYERS"+this.layers.length);

In the setting up of the defines
and then in the shader:

#ifdef LAYERS0
const int layerCount = 0;
#ifdef LAYERS1
const int layerCount = 1;
uniform sampler2d sprites[1];
#ifdef LAYERS2
const int layerCount = 2;
uniform sampler2d sprites[2];
#ifdef LAYERS3
const int layerCount = 3;
uniform sampler2d sprites[3];
#ifdef LAYERS4
const int layerCount = 4;
uniform sampler2d sprites[4];


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I am having trouble assigning a texture array:

I have tried:
uniform sampler2DArray sprites;
uniform sampler2DArray sprites[4];

But I keep getting:

1	#version 300 es
2	#define LAYERS 0
4	precision highp float;
5	#define pU 0.00392156862
7	uniform float time;
8	uniform float fps;
9	uniform vec2 viewOffset;
10	uniform vec2 viewportSize;
11	uniform float spriteSize;
13	uniform sampler2DArray sprites;
14	uniform sampler2DArray layers;
16	in vec3 vPosition;
17	in vec2 vUV;
18	in vec2 pixelCoord;
19	in vec2 texCoord;
22	out vec4 glFragColor;
23	void main(){
24	vec2 spriteCoord = mod(pixelCoord, spriteSize);
25	vec3 color = vec3(spriteCoord.x,1.0,spriteCoord.y);
26	if((texCoord.x > 1.0  || texCoord.x < 0.0 || texCoord.y > 1.0 || texCoord.y < 0.0)){color = vec3(0.0); }
27	float alpha = 1.0;
29	glFragColor =  vec4(color, alpha);
30	}

'sampler2DArray' : No precision specified
ERROR: 0:14: 'sampler2DArray' : No precision specified

No clue what I am doing wrong...

Is it because "precision highp float;" is not the first line?

uniform highp sampler2DArray sprites[4];

^^ got it

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