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Phaser problems / setup with TypeScript


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I'm having a lot of problems getting Phaser to work. I'm currently working off of the master branch from github, since I wasn't sure if the 1.0.0 or the master branch was more appropriate to use. However, after trying to follow this guide to set up Phaser with VS, I get a bunch of errors with Phaser itself. I couldn't find a .d.ts file in any of the other current branches, besides dev, but I'm not sure if that's stable enough to work with.


I really want to use Phaser, but this is kinda frustrating, especially after I spent an hour trying to figure out why the tutorial, when it didn't actually say anything about doing this: ///<reference path='phaser.d.ts' /> to get Phaser in the VS namespace.


Any advice?

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Without wanting to sound like a complete dick, what does it say in the tutorial you linked - 3rd paragraph, bold text, right above "Step 1" ? :)


Also it doesn't say to add the <reference path> because, depending on VS version and set-up, it doesn't always need it. I certainly don't use it and it still works fine, but I know others who did require it. I've no idea what the cause of the differences are, but when I update the tutorial to remove the 'get from dev' part I'll add that in too.

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No worries Rich, I appreciate the response regardless. I do remember reading that, but I think I glanced over it after I had passed on beyond step 1, so that was definitely my bad! That's fair, it just took a little bit of googling to find anything out about the ///<reference> bit. I guess I'm not so sure what needs it either. Thanks for the help! Phaser looks really nice so far; I'm excited to progress with it.

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