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What is 'quirks mode'?


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I am new to Phaserjs and i have tried to create a stage or a game using the following code


var stage = new Phaser.Game(1024,768,Phaser.AUTO,'mainCanvas');


However i keep getting these following message in my console:


body.scrollTop is deprecated in strict mode. Please use 'documentElement.scrollTop' if in strict mode and 'body.scrollTop' only if in quirks mode.


body.scrollLeft is deprecated in strict mode. Please use 'documentElement.scrollLeft' if in strict mode and 'body.scrollLeft' only if in quirks mode.


Phaser v1.1.4 - Renderer: WebGL - Audio: WebAudio


any ideas of what it is?

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I confirm the same problem now happens on Chromium 32 (same console log) and FF26 (OS : Linux ubuntu 12.04)


exemple :



The tileSprite 'background2.png' is well downloaded but can't be vertically scrolled. It's even not displayed.




Chromium log :

body.scrollTop is deprecated in strict mode. Please use 'documentElement.scrollTop' if in strict mode and 'body.scrollTop' only if in quirks mode.
body.scrollLeft is deprecated in strict mode. Please use 'documentElement.scrollLeft' if in strict mode and 'body.scrollLeft' only if in quirks mode.
Phaser v1.1.3 - Renderer: WebGL - Audio: WebAudio
Not tested on dev branch
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From what I've learned, quirks mode is a compatibility mode for old browsers. When the browser is old and finds something in your code that he does not support, your HTML page should enters Quirks Mode (That is, if you said that she must).

What the console is telling you, is that Phaser is using an method that is too old (and that is risky, because if the new browsers decide to stop giving support to old methods, that part of Phaser will stop working). That's why it says you should use that old method only in quirks mode.

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