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Performance on generating multiple map layers


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Currently using Tiled and my maps have multiple layers : 

Something like: 

let floor = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,

//Trees: just pretend it's filled with different values
let trees = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,

So how I'm going about it is to generate a PIXI.Sprite for every tile and then pushing those into a container, and that container would be the layer:

//an array of PIXI.Textures sliced from the spritesheet for tiles
let tileSpriteResources = [texture, texture, texture]; 

let floorLayer = new PIXI.Container();
let trees = new PIXI.Container();

//something like this: 
function makeLayerSprites(containerLayer,array, width, height){
  let W = width;
  let D = height;
  let shiftY = 0;

   array.map(function(item, index){

    if(index >= W){ //shifts Y downwards when X is passed with width

    if(item === 0){
        let tile = new PIXI.Sprite(tileSpriteResources[0]);
        tile.setTransform(index * 32, shiftY * 32);




I'm going to have like.. 6+ layers and I was wondering if I should just generate 1 layer, and then have the rest of them be the children of every PIXI.Sprite on the first layer. Or is my approach just fine ? 

For culling I'd imagine I would have to loop through all 6 containers children and yeah, I'm not sure how this will strike me in performance. 

Any general advice or recommendations or how you've implemented multi-layered maps in PIXI ?  


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