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[Solved]How to limit the shooting direction of the sprite??


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I use the following example to get start.


When the arrow's angle  <= 90 and  >= 90, the arrow will stop move and can not shoot to the left!!!!



I use the follow code

function update() {
     if(sprite.angle <= -90 && sprite.angle >= -180){
    } else if(sprite.angle >= 90 && sprite.angle <= 180){
    if(sprite.angle >= -90 && sprite.angle <= 0){

      sprite.angle = -90;  

    } else if(sprite.angle <= 90 && sprite.angle >= 0){
      sprite.angle = 90;  



But  I hope the bullet not shoot to the left, any idea??? Thanks you so much



Here is the jsfiddle link, Thanks


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You need to add the same angle constraints to bullet firing too.

So instead of firing when the pointer is down,

if (game.input.activePointer.isDown){

you fire when the pointer is down and your sprite follows your angle constraints.

if (game.input.activePointer.isDown && sprite.angle >= -90 && sprite.angle <=90){


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1 hour ago, gauravD said:

You need to add the same angle constraints to bullet firing too.

So instead of firing when the pointer is down,

if (game.input.activePointer.isDown){

you fire when the pointer is down and your sprite follows your angle constraints.

if (game.input.activePointer.isDown && sprite.angle >= -90 && sprite.angle <=90){


Works perfectly!!! You are so awesome!!!Thank you very much and have a nice day!!




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