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How to order 2 functions with the same input


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I have stared in the face of madness with this little problem, converting some old games from a different engine I used phases to space out calls, but I hadn-t realised this wouldn-t work with the underlying js...

eg I had a function with pointerdown that reset which sprite was selected

input.on('pointerdown', function...

following calling that function I LATER call a second function on pointerdown which relied on getting a possible new sprite selection (but the two functions couldnt be merged for technical purposes)

input.on('pointerdown', function

It didnt work well, it seemed the code was a click 'behind' , I tore my hair out, I drank coffee until i started itching all over, then i realised this was mitigated by a double click... ah ha! I simply made the second function pointerup.

input.on('pointerdown', function...
input.on('pointerup', function...

Ok  it isnt essential for me right now, but I would like to know how i could guarantee that two event driven functions are called in a certain order, is it possible? I appreciate this was probably javascript ignorance!

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