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Obscure audio crash


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I had a crash on the stock android browser on a Samsung Galaxy S4 4.3 whenever a sample tried to stop playing. 


I'm using 1.1.3 but I think the same problem exists in 1.1.4.


On line 36065 of 1.1.4 that reads "this._sound.stop(0)" I was getting "Uncaught Error: InvalidStateError: DOM Exception 11". I would assume this browser doesn't like stopping a sound if it's not really playing.


I've 'fixed' this by putting it in a try/catch.


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  • 3 months later...

Sorry for the necromancy, but I have the exact same problem on a 4.4 S4 with 2.0.

The exception gets thrown when the update method calls the stop method. Wrapping the this._sound.stop(0) in a try/catch block and ignoring the exception completely works for me as well.

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