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A hint!


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I'm making a game with some collectible objects.

I created a group for each type of object so I know what type is the object I collected.
but I'm in need of a hint how I can arrange this!
I already have 6 groups. and each group has 4 to 7 items that are scattered throughout the scene.
would you have a better way to do that?



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16 hours ago, onlycape said:

Hi @LuisM ,

You can add a custom property to the elements of a group.

Example: sprite.grouptype = 'type1';


Thank you. @onlycape

I'm doing something I need to collect items

and did not want to make a group for each item plus a single clip and put different types inside but give up! I'll let each group be the type of items so it gets better.

about your tip I do not know where I would use this my knowledge of javascript is low.

but that's how my group looks.

gStones= game.add.group();
    gStones.enableBody = true;
    gStones.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.P2JS;
    gStones.create(320, 510, 'stone1').scale.setTo(0.7);
    gStones.create(520, 710, 'stone2').scale.setTo(0.7);
    gStones.create(720, 310, 'stone3').scale.setTo(0.7);
    gStones.setAll('body.kinematic', true);

just in case I need to give types to each item in a group can I explain where and how to use it?

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5 hours ago, LuisM said:

Thank you. @onlycape

I'm doing something I need to collect items

and did not want to make a group for each item plus a single clip and put different types inside but give up! I'll let each group be the type of items so it gets better.

about your tip I do not know where I would use this my knowledge of javascript is low.

but that's how my group looks.

gStones= game.add.group();
    gStones.enableBody = true;
    gStones.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.P2JS;
    gStones.create(320, 510, 'stone1').scale.setTo(0.7);
    gStones.create(520, 710, 'stone2').scale.setTo(0.7);
    gStones.create(720, 310, 'stone3').scale.setTo(0.7);
    gStones.setAll('body.kinematic', true);

just in case I need to give types to each item in a group can I explain where and how to use it?

Thanks! It's useful

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Hi @LuisM ,

With this code I have created a new property for the group elements named customProperty (test code in phaser sandbox here ) :

function create() {

    var sprite = game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'phaser');
    var gStones= game.add.group();
    // Adding elements using a variable named "element"
    var element = gStones.create(320, 510, 'phaser');
    //Here I create the new property "customProperty"
    element.customProperty = 'type1';

    // Reusing variable "element" I create other element 
    element = gStones.create(520, 710, 'phaser');

    //And one more time
    element = gStones.create(720, 310, 'phaser');
    element.customProperty = 'type3';
    //Testing customProperty with forEach (this method iterates each group's element)


I hope it helps you..

Suerte !!

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