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Game Object not being removed after code is deleted


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I am trying to learn Phaser 3 and I have created ground object 100x100px ground object to randomize, I decided  to scarp that and made a image the length I need but now the old image wont change and the second ground object I created is still on the game screen even after I had erased the code. I even went as far as removing its image from function preload().

I am saving the code after every alteration.


var game = new Phaser.Game(config);

    function preload ()
		this.load.image('bulld', 'assets/images/bulldozer.png');
		this.load.image('world', 'assets/images/background1.png');
		this.load.image('rock1', 'assets/images/rock1.png');
		this.load.image('grnd1', 'assets/images/ground1.png');

    function create ()
		this.add.image(550,350, 'world');
		rocks = this.physics.add.sprite(550, 540, 'rock1');
		ground = this.physics.add.staticGroup();
		ground.create(400, 652, 'grnd1').setScale(0.27).refreshBody();


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Hello @onlycape,


I ended up deleting everything that referenced any objects related to the problem, refreshed the page then reinstalled it and it cleared the problem so I am pretty sure your right about it being a browser cache issue. I have since finished my first "game" and am working on something a little more difficult.

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