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ES6 Phaser subclass and inheritance


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Hi everyone, I just started learning Phaser 3 and I must say it is really great so far. I've been delving into the lab examples and the JSDoc to find what I need but now I'm stuck. I come from a React background and I am not sure how to use inheritance and subclassing to fit my needs because I don't really understand how Phaser is built.

I want to inherit from GameObject and use some mixins components like Transform, looking at Phaser's sources here is what it does for a Sprite for example :

var Sprite = new Class({

    Extends: GameObject,

    Mixins: [

    initialize: function Sprite (...) {

My question is, how would you write a class in ES6 which inherit from GameObject and subclass a set of mixins then use it in a scene ? Is ES6 even the "correct" way to extend Phaser components ?

Thanks in advance for your help



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Usually you can just pick the relevant class (e.g., Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite) and extend it in the usual manner.

There's no need to compose components yourself unless you really need a component set different from any of the existing classes.

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