scope2229 Posted June 24, 2018 Share Posted June 24, 2018 I'm deffinately doing something wrong and not understanding the docs properly. I've used these as guides as well as a few others but i cant seem to get it to work so i thought id just copy the first group and see what happends but still nothing. i keep getting this.tai not defined but if this.bullets is why wouldnt this.tai objects/group/sprite pool.js below is my code import phaser from 'phaser' export class Lvl_1 extends phaser.Scene{ constructor(){ super('lvl_1') } create(){ console.log('lvl_1') //set background this.starfield = this.add.tileSprite(400,300,800,4000, 'starfield') this.juststars = this.add.tileSprite(400,300,800,4000, 'juststars') this.nebula1 = this.add.tileSprite(400,300,800,4000, 'nebula1') this.stars2 = this.add.tileSprite(400,300,800,4000, 'juststars') this.nebula2 = this.add.tileSprite(400,300,2000,4000, 'nebula2') // Our bullet group let magSize = 1 this.bullets ={ defaultKey: 'laser1', maxSize: magSize }) this.anims.create({ key: 'fire', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('laser1', { start: 0, end: 2 }), frameRate: 10, repeat: 0 }) this.anims.create({ key: 'fired', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('laser1', { start: 3, end: 4 }), frameRate: 25, repeat: -1 }) //create the first player this.player = this.physics.add.sprite(400, 500, 'ship') this.player.setCollideWorldBounds(true) this.player.setOrigin(0.5, 0.5) this.ACCELERATION = 600 let DRAG = 900 let MAXSPEED = 400 this.player.body.setMaxVelocity(MAXSPEED, MAXSPEED) this.player.body.setDrag(DRAG, DRAG) //Creating tai-fighter enemy //set group and image key with extra details this.tai ={ defaultKey: 'tai_fighter1', maxSize: 10 }) //left this.anims.create({ key: 'taiLeft', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('tai_fighter1', { start: 3, end: 0 }), frameRate: 10, repeat: 0 }) //center this.anims.create({ key: 'taiCenter', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('tai_fighter1', { start: 0, end: 4 }), frameRate: 10, repeat: 1 }) //right this.anims.create({ key: 'taiRight', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('tai_fighter1', { start: 5, end: 8 }), frameRate: 10, repeat: 0 }) this.time.addEvent({ delay: 1000, loop: true, callback: this.launchTaiFighter }) //setup for controls keyboard mouse touchscreen this.cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys() this.fireButton = this.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.CTRL) } update(){ this.starfield.tilePositionY -= 0.5 this.juststars.tilePositionY -= 0.2 this.nebula1.tilePositionY -= 0.8 this.stars2.tilePositionY -= 3.8 this.nebula2.tilePositionY -= 0.3 this.nebula2.tilePositionX -= 0.3 //Player1 movement this.player.body.setAccelerationX(0) if(this.cursors.left.isDown){ this.player.body.setAccelerationX(-this.ACCELERATION) }else if (this.cursors.right.isDown){ this.player.body.setAccelerationX(this.ACCELERATION) }else{ this.player.body.setAccelerationX(0) } if (this.cursors.up.isDown){ this.player.body.setAccelerationY(-this.ACCELERATION) }else if(this.cursors.down.isDown){ this.player.body.setAccelerationY(this.ACCELERATION) }else{ this.player.body.setAccelerationY(0) } //firing weapon // Fire bullet if(this.fireButton.isDown || this.input.activePointer.isDown){ console.log("space test") this.fireBullet() } this.bullets.children.each(function(b) { if ( { if (b.y < 0) { b.setActive(false) } } }.bind(this)) //enemy updates this.tai.children.each(function(b) { if ( { if (b.y < 0) { b.setActive(false) } } }.bind(this)) }//end of update render(){ } fireBullet(){ console.log("FIREBULLET") let laser1 = this.bullets.get(this.player.x, (this.player.y - 50)) if (laser1) { laser1.setActive(true); laser1.setVisible(true);'fire', true); laser1.body.velocity.y = -400; setTimeout(function(){'fired', true); }, 100) } } launchTaiFighter(){ console.log("launchTaiFighter"); let lTF = this.tai.get(this.player.x, (this.player.y - 150)) if (lTF){ lTF.setActive(true) lTF.setActive(true)'taiCenter', true) lTF.body.velocity.y = -800 } } } I'm aware the animations arent right but its just to test for now, also as a test im trying to just have the tai fighter spawn from the ship then go to the top same as the bullet. once i learn how to create groups properly then i will work on the top down and AI left right with animations for those. but for now what im looking for from this example is the same behavour as the bullet but in its own group and independant. obviously if the enemy in real game play really need to do the same as the bullet id place it inside that group Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
samme Posted June 24, 2018 Share Posted June 24, 2018 You didn't mention which line is giving the error but I'll assume it's let lTF = this.tai.get(this.player.x, (this.player.y - 150)) You need to pass a context (this) when you pass a callback. { // ... callback: this.launchTaiFighter, callbackContext: this } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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