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Phaser 3 + Matter + Tiled: using polygon collision shapes


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Hi, so I have a tilemap created with Tiled, and I defined my collisions as polygons in the tilesets themselves to get more accurate collisions. I was able to draw out where those polygons are with graphics but I'm a little confused at how I can set the collisions between my player sprite and those polygons with matter.

I sort of know about the setting categories and using setCollidesWith but I'm not sure what I need to create from the vertices of the polygons. I tried fromVertices but I couldn't figure out how to set the collision category on it.

Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at 11.20.54 PM.png

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You don't need to do anything with graphics, you need to define the collision shapes on the tileset in tiled:



If you set the tile layer to collide by property and have a matter body on the player they will inherently collide. If you don't define a collision shape on the tile in the collision editor in tiled then Phaser will give the tile a square body the size of the tile. You don't need to tell matter what to collide with what unlike arcade. Everything collides unless the body is a sensor.


Check this example to get a better idea:

https://labs.phaser.io/edit.html?src=src\game objects\tilemap\collision\matter platformer with wall jumping.js


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I was just using the graphics to visualize the collide shapes for debugging and learning the code.

I already created the collision shapes on the tileset in tiled, which is what the graphics are drawing (blue lines). You're saying if I just add a property to those tiles that I can grab by in Phaser, then set collision by property on the layer, it'll use the collision polygons I drew instead of the entire tile? I'll give it a go. Thanks.

Ah, and I think this line from the example is what I was looking for



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