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Audio file can't be loaded


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Hey guys,

when I try to load my audio file it doesn't work.

That is what I do in my preload function:

    this.load.audio('theme', [

That is how I try to use it in my create function:

    music = this.sound.add('theme');
        loop: true


It worked, but as soon as I try to change the name of the key or the name of my audio file, it doesn't work anmyore and the following messages begin to appear:

I get the following warning message: ' Audio cache entry missing: theme '

I also get the following error message: ' TypeError: this.currentConfig is undefined '


I hope you can help me with that. Thanks in advance.

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devbruce, Could you ever try load the sound by single file instead of an array like that


this.load.audio("theme", ["assets/Runn.wav"]);

=> this.load.audio("theme", "assets/Runn.wav");

Otherwise you don't need line code " add sound" to play the sound.

music = this.sound.add('theme');

music.play({ loop: true });

=> this.sound.play("theme");

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