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Drop down button


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Hi @Mekaboo 

There's an open issue for this on github,  Also, I was working on same like 2 months ago.

Solution provided my @aWeirdo is pretty cool, though there a small problem on the z-indexing (based on the initial placing/creation of the dropdowns )

To fix this, I used onPointerEnterObservable and onPointerOutObservable to change the "zIndex" of the container, you can check here playground- https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#H10NI4#4


@aWeirdo and @Deltakosh - what do you guys think of this solution? 


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Dear Sirs @aWeirdo & @ssaket

I tried to implememnt the code from the PG to my site and it broke..the site wouldnt load up. The button from this PG I have in my code but it the only function is that it links:


How do I change this into a dropdown? I figure just change this one button up and thats all I need for now. Thank ya again so very much ?




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Hi @Mekaboo


You must include the dropdown constructor;

var Dropdown = (function () {
	function Dropdown(advancedTexture, height, width, color, background) {
		// Members
        this.height = height;
        this.width = width;
        this.color = color || "black";
        this.background = background || "white";

        this.advancedTexture = advancedTexture;

        // Container
		this.container = new BABYLON.GUI.Container();
        this.container.width = this.width;
        this.container.verticalAlignment = BABYLON.GUI.Control.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_TOP;
        this.container.isHitTestVisible = false;
        // Primary button
        this.button = BABYLON.GUI.Button.CreateSimpleButton(null, "Please Select");
        this.button.height = this.height;
        this.button.background = this.background;
        this.button.color = this.color;
        this.button.verticalAlignment = BABYLON.GUI.Control.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_TOP;

        // Options panel
        this.options = new BABYLON.GUI.StackPanel();
        this.options.verticalAlignment = BABYLON.GUI.Control.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_TOP;
        this.options.top = this.height;
        this.options.isVisible = false;
        this.options.isVertical = true;

        var _this = this;
        this.button.onPointerUpObservable.add(function() {
            _this.options.isVisible = !_this.options.isVisible;

        //custom hack to make dropdown visible;
            _this.container.zIndex = 555; //some big value

            _this.container.zIndex = 0; //back to original

        // add controls
        // Selection
        this.selected = null;
        this.selectedValue = null;
    Object.defineProperty(Dropdown.prototype, 'top', {
		get: function() { 
			return this.container.top;
		set : function(value) {
            this.container.top = value;
		enumerable: true,
		configurable: true
    Object.defineProperty(Dropdown.prototype, 'left', {
		get: function() { 
			return this.container.left;
		set : function(value) {
            this.container.left = value;
		enumerable: true,
		configurable: true
    Dropdown.prototype.addOption = function(value, text, color, background){
        var _this = this;
        var button = BABYLON.GUI.Button.CreateSimpleButton(text, text);
        button.height = _this.height;
        button.paddingTop = "-1px";
        button.background = background || _this.background;
        button.color = color || _this.color;
        button.onPointerUpObservable.add(function() {
            _this.options.isVisible = false;
            _this.button.children[0].text = text;
            _this.selected = button;
            _this.selectedValue = value;
	return Dropdown;


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