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Can a RenderTexture be larger than game size?


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Hi all,

I admit I may be misunderstanding how this is supposed to work, but I can't seem to make a RenderTexture that's larger than the game size. For example, if I define my game as being 800x600 and then create a RenderTexture that's 900x700, then anything drawn outside 800x600 won't render. Can anyone shed some light on this, please?


EDIT: Refer to this comment for demonstration of issue.

Edited by jorbascrumps
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My current setup has the camera follow a player-controlled Sprite using `startFollow`. The RenderTexture is the size of the level with only a portion of the level viewable at any time. When the camera moves with the player, the edges of the RenderTexture become visible.

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  • 3 years later...

This is happening to me in version 3.54.0, the snapshot function crops the render texture to gamesize, apparently the scissors doesn't update to the new render texture size, or maybe the scissor size is limited to game size?

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