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Seeing weird banding/tearing effect on example games in Chrome


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I'm new to Phaser and I'm busy inhaling every doc and example I can find.


While doing that, I came across the example tank game: http://gametest.mobi/phaser/examples/_site/view_full.html?d=games&f=tanks.js&t=tanks


On my system (MBPro with OSX 10.9.1) running on multiple browsers (Chrome 32.0.1700.107, Firefox 27.0.1) I'm seeing banding/tearing on the background images in the tank game.


I also see the effect on the invaders game. At first I thought, "Cool, how'd they do that glitchy background effect?" Now I'm pretty sure it's a bug. But it might be only on my system..? Anyone else see that?


If it's a problem with my graphics card, anyone know any resources to diagnose it?

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I'm pretty sure it's the tilesprite issue that plague Pixi for a while. They've since resolved it and it should hopefully be fully sorted now, so you'll see that when we release Phaser 2.0 in a few weeks. It is GPU specific though I'm afraid. I think you can get around it by ensuring you use a texture that's a power of two, but it was a while ago so I may remember that incorrectly. Worth trying though.

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