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Phaser 2 is sometimes incorrectly loading remote images?


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I have a system where I'm trying to load images from two sources remotely. They work half the time... but then a third of that, it suddenly attempts to add an additional http to the domain which causes the load to fail. I'm not 100% sure what is going on here, and it's been baffling. Part of it is that the images are being loaded in a loop - could that be causing the issue?

This is the error that I'm getting: error loading asset from URL https:https://images.igdb.com/igdb/image/upload/t_thumb_2x/arlh24mn9p9x5blpuxqb.jpg

This is the code I'm currently using:

    if (this.gameData.length < 0)
      for(let i = 0; i < this.gameData.length; i++)

    this.gameData = [];

    this.gameData = data['gameData'];

    for(let i = 0; i < this.gameData.length; i++)
      game.load.image(this.gameData[i]['id'], this.gameData[i]['gameImage']);

    setTimeout( () => {
    }, 3500 );      
    game.load.onLoadComplete.add(this.loadCheck, this);

    //let testImage = game.add.sprite(0, 0, this.gameData[0]['id']); 

I do have allowed access to the images through Cors - has anyone else run into this problem before?


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