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I will program any 2d game for FREE


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I'm CoastalFog, the creator of Mage Battle Arena on Kongregate:


It is a simple topdown shooter/rpg where you can cast spells and level up a mage. I think that based on this I'm reasonably good at the technical aspect of making games. I'd be able to easily program any browser game such as Swords and Sandals or Stick War. I spent the last 2 years making games by myself, but at this point I want to try making games with other people, and eventually even get a job to make video games.

But there is a problem: I have autism, ocd and severe social anxiety. Even making this post is hard for me. This is why I want to team up with someone and make games with them for free. I feel that if I just had a few days to make a game with someone, I could get comfortable with that, and eventually programming on a team could be just as fun as programming by myself.

I want to collaborate with one person or a small team to make a game. If the game makes money, you can keep all of it. I want to only use the Unity engine, but I can export the game to HTML5.

Game programming is actually my special interest. I'm obsessive about increasing my efficiency; when I'm unproductive, I get so angry and frustrated, but when I am productive, I get so happy and excited. I'm probably one of the most hardcore programmers you'll ever interact with. If I try to make a game with someone I've never met, the first few days will most likely be slow, but if I get to a point where I'm comfortable it's possible for me to completely cure my ocd and program very fast.

I have no idea what the first few days of programming on a team will be like, or how bad my anxiety will get, but I think I could be excellent at this some day.

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  • 2 months later...

Sent you a PM. Do let me know. We work on multiplayer games with small teams of two people for one game.

There is a revenue-share agreement,  and a fast cycle of game release (within a month or two).

You can show games on your portfolio. We bear all the costs of hosting, graphics, etc.


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