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[Solved] DrawRect click triggers outside of bounding box


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Hey guys,

Hope someone has an explaination and solution for this, was in the middle of a project and had to create a gym level to test the problem and found it, here's the same code : 

game.createScene('Main', {
    init: function() {        
        var box = new game.Graphics();
        box.fillColor = '#ff0000';
        box.drawRect(0, 200, 100, 100);
        box.interactive = true;
        box.click = function() {

If you click above the box, the box gets destroyed 

Edited by greencoder
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Sorry for the quick turn around and finding a solution for this issue, modified the code following code

Old Code :
 box.drawRect(0, 200, 100, 100);

Modified Code :
 box.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 100);

So we have to always use position.set if you need to position it correctly and not with drawrect, if it's interactive, definitely sounds like a bug.

Edited by greencoder
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Ok have been experimenting a lot with this, and when combined with a container, the click again is triggered outside of the container area 

game.createScene('Main', {
    init: function() {        
        var box = new game.Graphics();
        box.fillColor = '#ff0000';
        box.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
        var cont = new game.Container();
        cont.interactive = true;
        cont.click = function() {

@Stephan @Wolfsbane, any advice? 

Edited by greencoder
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add a hitArea to your container:

init: function() {
    var box = new game.Graphics();
    box.fillColor = '#ff0000';
    box.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 100);

    var cont = new game.Container();

    cont.interactive = true;

    //add a hitArea
    cont.hitArea = new game.Rectangle(100, 100);

    cont.click = function() {


Edited by Stephan
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Yikes, I feel embarrassed for assuming things here, I assumed

  • Container takes its position based on the its children
  • Children in Container has their position in world coordinates 

Both of them were wrong, of course, I don’t know why I assumed so. So I corrected both of it and then its working as intended

game.createScene('Main', {
    init: function() {        
        var cont = new game.Container();
        cont.interactive = true;
        cont.hitArea = new game.Rectangle(100, 100);
        cont.interactive = true;
        cont.click = function() {
        var box = new game.Graphics();
        box.fillColor = '#ff0000';
        box.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 100);

Correcting my stupidity now and closing this thread. 

Edited by greencoder
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