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Full standalone project - Visual-ts game engine

Nikola Lukic

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Project : Visual ts game engine

Version : We can fight - 2020

2d canvas game engine based on Matter.js 2D physics engine for the web.

I use my own concept: take lib for great benefits. It means that i import only staff that i can't make in proper way in proper time, all other coming from head. For example Physics was imported in role of npm package for typescript matter.js variant and i keep dependency healthy. In networking aspect i use full-duplex connection under web-rtc protocol. Pretty nice working combination of physics and realtime-multiplayer connetions. PeerToPeer used for game-play and classic websocket(socketio) for session staff. HTMLRequest used only for loading html parts in run time (on request) because i want clear single page application with all PWA features inside. Also video chat is integrated based on signaling server. No video recording for now (next features).

  • Writen in typescript current version 3.7.4.
  • Text editor used and recommended: Last version of Visual Studio Code. Luanch debugger configuration comes with this project (for server part).
  • Physics engine based on Matter.js - Matter.ts (npm project).
  • Multiplatform video chat (for all browsers) implemented. SocketIO used for session staff. MultiRTC2 used for data transfer also for video chat. MultiRTC3 alias 'broadcaster' used for video chat.


Client part

To make all dependency works in build proccess we need some plugins.

  npm install


  npm run dev


├── build/  (This is auto generated)
|   ├── externals/
|   ├── imgs/
|   ├── styles/
|   ├── templates/
|   ├── app.html
|   ├── manifest.web
|   ├── offline.html
|   ├── visualjs2.js
|   ├── worker.js

Navigate in browser /build/app.html to see client app in action

New way of building multi entryes.

Sufix is -all . This is test for multi instancing webpack capabilities. Thanks for common object definition:

let config = {
    module: {},

Point of Multi entries is to make independent healthy builds end point for our application. Current export's for 2 solutions looks like (runs webpack.multicompile.config.js) :


  npm run dev-all


├── build/  (This is auto generated)
|   ├── multiplayer/
|   ├── singleplaye/

-Client part is browser web application. No reloading or redirecting. This is single page application. I use html request only for loading local/staged html (like register, login etc.). Networking is based on webSocket full-duplex communication only. This is bad for old fasion programmers. You must be conform with classic socket connection methodology. -webRTC can be used for any proporsion. Already implemented : -video chat webRTC (SIP) chat and data communication.

-Class 'Connector' (native webSocket) used for user session staff. For main account session staff like login, register etc.

Client config

If you want web app without any networking then setup:

appUseNetwork: boolean = false;

You want to use communication for multiplayer but you don't want to use server database account sessions. The setup this on false in main client config class. appUseAccountsSystem: boolean = false;

  • Networking is disabled or enabled depens on current dev status.

Find configuration for client part at ./src/lib/client-config.ts

import { Addson } from "./libs/types/global";

 * ClientConfig is config file for whole client part of application.
 * It is a better to not mix with server config staff.
 * All data is defined like default private property values.
 * Use mmethod class to get proper.
 * Class don't have any args passed.
class ClientConfig {

   * Addson - Role is : "no dependencies scripts only"
   * All addson are ansync loaded scripts.
   *  - Cache is based on webWorkers.
   *  - hackerTimer is for better performace also based on webWorkers.
   *  - dragging is script for dragging dom elements.
  private addson: Addson = [
      name: "cache",
      enabled: true,
      scriptPath: "externals/cacheInit.ts",
      name: "hackerTimer",
      enabled: true,
      scriptPath: "externals/hack-timer.js",
      name: "dragging",
      enabled: true,
      scriptPath: "externals/drag.ts",

   * @description This is main coordinary types of positions
   * Can be "diametric-fullscreen" or "frame".
   *  - diametric-fullscreen is simple fullscreen canvas element.
   *  - frame keeps aspect ratio in any aspect.
   * @property drawReference
   * @type  string
  private drawReference: string = "frame";

   * aspectRatio default value, can be changed in run time.
   * This is 800x600, 1.78 is also good fit for lot of desktop monitors screens
  private aspectRatio: number = 1.333;

   * domain is simple url address,
   * recommendent to use for local propose LAN ip
   * like : 192.168.0.XXX if you wanna run ant test app with server.
  private domain: string = "maximumroulette.com";

   * @description Important note for this property: if you
   * disable (false) you cant use Account system or any other
   * network. Use 'false' if you wanna make single player game.
   * In other way keep it 'true'.
  private appUseNetwork = true;

   * networkDeepLogs control of dev logs for webRTC context only.
  private networkDeepLogs: boolean = false;

   * masterServerKey is channel access id used to connect
   * multimedia server channel.Both multiRTC2/3
  private masterServerKey: string = "maximumroulette.server1";

   * rtcServerPort Port used to connect multimedia server.
   * Default value is 12034
  private rtcServerPort: number = 12034;

   * connectorPort is access port used to connect
   * session web socket.
  private connectorPort: number = 1234;

   * broadcasterPort Port used to connect multimedia server MultiRTC3.
   * I will use it for explicit video chat multiplatform support.
   * Default value is 9001
  private broadcasterPort: number = 9001;

   * broadcaster socket.io address.
   * Change it for production regime
  private broadcastSockRoute: string = "http://localhost:9001/";

   * broadcaster socket.io address.
   * Change it for production regime
  private broadcastAutoConnect: boolean = true;

   * broadcaster rtc session init values.
   * Change it for production regime
  private broadcasterSessionDefaults: any = {
    sessionAudio: false,
    sessionVideo: false,
    sessionData: true,
    enableFileSharing: false

   * appUseAccountsSystem If you don't want to use session
   * in your application just setup this variable to the false.
  private appUseAccountsSystem: boolean = true;

   * appUseBroadcaster Disable or enable broadcaster for
   * video chats.
  private appUseBroadcaster: boolean = true;

  private stunList: string[] = [
   * Possible variant by default :
   * "register", "login"
  private startUpHtmlForm: string = "register";

  private gameList: any[];

   * Implement default gamePlay variable's
  private defaultGamePlayLevelName: string = "public";
  private autoStartGamePlay: boolean = false;

   * constructor will save interest data for game platform
  constructor(gameList: any[]) {

    // Interconnection Network.Connector vs app.ts
    this.gameList = gameList;



Start dependency system from app.ts

  • Fisrt game template is Platformer. This is high level programming in this software. Class Platformer run with procedural (method) level1. Class Starter is base class for my canvas part (matter.js/ts). It is injected to the Platformer to make full operated work.
  • gamesList args for ioc constructor is for now just simbolic for now. (WIP)
  • In ioc you can make strong class dependency relations. Use it for your own structural changes. If you want to make light version for build than use ioc to remove everything you don't need in build.

ioc.ts files located at: src\controllers. In ioc file i import choosen classes and create instance or bind. Ioc also save (singleton) instance's and we never make same class instance again (this is the role). We just call game.ioc.get.NAME_OF_INSTANCE. Object .get is key access object not array. Best practice is to use only one ioc. In that way you will get clear build without big shared in most time unnecessary data. If you application is big project.Than best way is still use one ioc.ts for per web page. In that way i use refresh or redirect moment to load optimised script bundle for current page.

Main dependency file

  • Current version:
 * Import global css

import AppIcon from "./app-icon";
import GamePlay from "./examples/platformer/scripts/game-play";
import Ioc from "./controllers/ioc";

 * plarformerGameInfo
 * This is strong connection.
 * html-components are on the same level with app.ts
 * Put any parameters here.
const plarformerGameInfo = {
  name: "Platformer",
  title: "Start Platformer game play",

const gamesList: any[] = [

const master = new Ioc(gamesList);
const appIcon: AppIcon = new AppIcon(master.get.Browser);
master.singlton(GamePlay, master.get.Starter);
console.log("Platformer: ", master.get.GamePlay);


 * Make it global for fast access in console testing.
 * (window as any).platformer = master.get.GamePlay;
(window as any).master = master;
(window as any).platformer = master.get.GamePlay;

About runup gameplay

In client-config :

Disabled at the moment for single-player solution. javascript

  private autoStartGamePlay: boolean = false;

If you setup 'autoStartGamePlay' to false you need to run gamePlay with :



Note : Only singleton object instance from master start with upcase letters.

Project structure

  • build/ is autogenerated. Don't edit or add content in this folder.
  • src/ is main client part (Browser web application). Main file : app.ts
  • src/libs/ is common and smart pack of classes, interfaces etc. easy access.
  • server/ folder is fully indipendent server size. I use one git repo but consider '/server' represent standalone application. There's server package.json independently from client part also config is not the common. I just like it like that.
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── webpack.config.js
├── tsconfig.json
├── tslint.json
├── launch.json
├── workplace.code-workspace
├── build/  (This is auto generated)
|   ├── externals/
|   ├── templates/
|   ├── imgs/
|   ├── styles/
|   |   └── favicon.ico
|   ├── visualjs2.js
|   ├── app.html
├── src/
|   ├── style/
|   |   ├── styles.css
|   ├── controllers/
|   |   ├── ioc.ts
|   |   ├── ioc-single-player.ts
|   ├── libs/
|   |   ├── class/
|   |   |   ├── networking/
|   |   |   |   ├── rtc-multi-connection/
|   |   |   |   |   ├── FileBufferReader.js
|   |   |   |   |   ├── RTCMultiConnection2.js
|   |   |   |   |   ├── RTCMultiConnection3.js
|   |   |   |   |   ├── linkify.js
|   |   |   |   |   ├── getHTMLMediaElement.js
|   |   |   |   |   ├── socket.io.js
|   |   |   |   ├── broadcaster.ts
|   |   |   |   ├── connector.ts
|   |   |   |   ├── network.ts
|   |   |   ├── visual-methods/
|   |   |   |   ├── sprite-animation.ts
|   |   |   |   ├── text.ts
|   |   |   |   ├── texture.ts
|   |   |   ├── bot-behavior.ts
|   |   |   ├── browser.ts
|   |   |   ├── math.ts
|   |   |   ├── position.ts
|   |   |   ├── resources.ts
|   |   |   ├── sound.ts
|   |   |   ├── system.ts
|   |   |   ├── view-port.ts
|   |   |   ├── visual-render.ts
|   |   ├── interface/
|   |   |   ├── drawI.ts
|   |   |   ├── global.ts
|   |   |   ├── visual-components.ts
|   |   ├── multiplatform/
|   |   |   ├── mobile/
|   |   |   |   ├── player-controls.ts
|   |   |   ├── global-event.ts
|   |   ├── types/
|   |   |   ├── global.ts
|   |   ├── client-config.ts
|   |   ├── ioc.ts
|   |   ├── starter.ts
|   ├── icon/ ...
|   ├── examples/
|   |   ├── platformer/
|   ├── html-components/
|   |   ├── register.html
|   |   ├── login.html
|   |   ├── games-list.html
|   |   ├── user-profile.html
|   |   ├── store.html
|   |   ├── broadcaster.html
|   ├── index.html
|   ├── app-icon.ts
|   └── app.ts
|   └── manifest.web
└── server/
|   ├── package.json
|   ├── package-lock.json
|   ├── server-config.js
|   ├── database/
|   |   ├── database.js
|   |   ├── common/
|   |   ├── email/
|   |   |   ├── templates/
|   |   |   |   ├── confirmation.html.js
|   |   |   ├── nocommit.js (no commited for now)
|   |   └── data/ (ignored - db system folder)
|   ├── rtc/
|   |   ├── server.ts
|   |   ├── connector.ts
|   |   ├── self-cert/

Server part

Installed database : [email protected]

-No typescript here, we need keep state clear no. Node.js is best options.For email staff i choose : npm i gmail-send .

-Run services database server (Locally and leave it alive for develop proccess):

  npm run dataserver

Looks like this :

 mongod --dbpath ./server/database/data

Fix : "failed: address already in use" :

  netstat -ano | findstr :27017

  taskkill /PID typeyourPIDhere /F

Also important "Run Visual Studio Code as Administrator".

-Command for kill all node.js procces for window users :

  taskkill /im node.exe /F

Networking multimedia communication : WebSocketServer running on Node.js

Text-based protocol SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) used for signaling and controlling multimedia sessions.

General networking config:

Config property defined in constructor from ServerConfig class:

    // enum : 'dev' or 'prod'
    this.serverMode = "dev";

    this.networkDeepLogs = false;
    this.rtcServerPort = 12034;
    this.rtc3ServerPort = 9001;
    this.connectorPort = 1234;

    this.domain = {
      dev: "localhost",
      prod: "maximumroulette.com"

    this.masterServerKey = "maximumroulette.server1";
    this.protocol = "http";
    this.isSecure = false;

    // localhost
    this.certPathSelf = {
      pKeyPath: "./server/rtc/self-cert/privatekey.pem",
      pCertPath: "./server/rtc/self-cert/certificate.pem",
      pCBPath: "./server/rtc/self-cert/certificate.pem",

    // production
    this.certPathProd = {
      pKeyPath: "/etc/httpd/conf/ssl/maximumroulette.com.key",
      pCertPath: "/etc/httpd/conf/ssl/maximumroulette_com.crt",
      pCBPath: "/etc/httpd/conf/ssl/maximumroulette.ca-bundle"

    this.appUseAccountsSystem = true;
    this.appUseBroadcaster = true;
    this.databaseName = "masterdatabase";

    this.databaseRoot = {
      dev: "mongodb://localhost:27017" ,
      prod: "mongodb://userAdmin:********@maximumroulette.com:27017/admin"

    this.specialRoute = {
      "default": "/var/www/html/applications/visual-typescript-game-engine/build/app.html"

- Running server is easy :

  npm run rtc

With this cmd : npm run rtc we run server.js and connector.ts websocket. Connector is our account session used for login , register etc. Implemented video chat based on webRTC protocol.Running rtc3 server is integrated.

If you wanna disable session-database-rtc2 features and run only broadcaster:

Features comes with broadcaster:

  • Multiplatform video chat works with other hybrid frameworks or custom implementation throw the native mobile application web control (Chrome implementation usually).

Documentation :

Follow link for API: Application documentation

Possible to install from (It's good for instancing new clear base project):

   npm visual-ts

If you wanna generate doc you will need manual remove comment from plugin section in webpack.config.js. Restart 'npm run dev' Best way to fully healty build.

If you wanna insert some new html page just define it intro webpack.config.js :

plugins : [
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
            filename: '/templates/myGameLobby.html',
            template: 'src/html-components/myGameLobby.html'
  • See register and login example.

Code format :

  npm run fix
  npm run tslint

or use :

  tslint -c tslint.json 'src/**/*.ts' --fix
  tslint -c tslint.json 'src/**/*.ts'


Visual Typescript Game engine is under:

MIT License generaly

except ./src/lib. Folder lib is under:


External licence in this project :

- Networking based on :
Muaz Khan MIT License www.WebRTC-Experiment.com/licence

- Base physics beased on :
Matter.js https://github.com/liabru/matter-js

Sprites downloaded from (freebies/no licence sites):

Todo list for 2019

I'am still far a away from project objective :

  • Make visual nodes for editor mode in game play.
  • Item's selling for crypto values.
  • Create examples demos in minimum 20 game play variants (table games, actions , platformers , basic demo trow the api doc etc.).
  • Implementing AR and webGL2.


Live demo Platformer



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