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PIXI.Texture.from('path') is asynchronous?

Bobi Georgiev

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I am loading a couple of images with PIXI.Texture.from('path'). 

I need to immediately store the width and height of the new Texture right after calling PIXI.Texture.from(). However, when I log the width and height there, both values are set to 1.

I have an Update() method in my program which is called every frame, like in Unity. When I log the values in the Update, the width and height of the textures are again 1 1 in the first frame, after which they get their original size and all consecutive logs show the correct image size. 

I tried calling await on PIXI.Texture.from(), but it does not seem to solve my issue. Has anyone encountered this problem and is there a way I can work around it? 


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Hello and Welcome to the forums!

Yes, it is async because there's no way in JS to stop thread and just wait when file loads.

one of related questions: https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/issues/6583

I tried calling await on PIXI.Texture.from(), but it does not seem to solve my issue. 

I recommend to look in sources first. "from" is a method that auto-detects whatever resource you want to load, creates Resource/BaseTexture/Texture or just takes it from cache. In your case its ImageResource that has promises and stuff and you can hook in it if you want extra features like createImageBitmap.

I need to immediately store the width and height of the new Texture right after calling PIXI.Texture.from()

Use pixi loader with single textures or atlases. Here's how to use it: https://github.com/kittykatattack/learningPixi#displaying-sprites

Preload everything, then at some point you will have all the sizes.

Another idea is to set texture size yourself if you want what it will be: 


"texture.baseTexture.setRealSize(10, 10)`

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