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Re-using a line graphics


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Hi ,

I'm new to PIXI and I'm trying to create a dynamically changing column of lines using PIXI v5 .

Lets say I would like to have 4 lines that will be placed in 10 vertically aligned positions.

The 4 line types have different colors and length .


The bottom position ( pos 0 )  should change on event, lets say on click and push the others up , the last position (10) should disappear from the group.

As I dont think drawing 10 lines is optimal , I'm trying to find a way to re-use a single line Graphics.

Not sure what the best approach should be - use line images and create sprites from them then position them in the canvas ?

Or create a single line and clone it every time , then change its color , length , position ?

Also should it be a graphic , sprite or texture ?

So far I have tried :

Created a function to draw lines , but it

  blueLine = new PIXI.Graphics()
  purpleLine = new PIXI.Graphics()
  pinkLine = new PIXI.Graphics()
  cyanLine = new PIXI.Graphics()

this.drawLine(this.blueLine,2, 0x008aff, {x:400, y:470},{x:260, y:0},{x:300, y:0})
this.drawLine(this.purpleLine,2, 0x991bfa, {x:400, y:480},{x:240, y:0},{x:300, y:0})
this.drawLine(this.pinkLine,2, 0xf55497, {x:400, y:500},{x:220, y:0},{x:300, y:0})
this.drawLine(this.cyanLine,2, 0x17c3b2, {x:400, y:490},{x:200, y:0},{x:300, y:0})

drawLine(newLine,thickness: number, color: number, position: {x:number,y:number}, moveTo: {x:number,y:number},lineTo: {x:number,y:number} ) {
    newLine.lineStyle(thickness, color)
       .moveTo(moveTo.x, moveTo.y)

This works for 4 lines , but then how to create clones to continue drawing them on the screen ?

Should I create a Texture or Sprite from each of them and re-use it by creating new line ?


I have also tried to create a Sprite :


this.drawLine(this.line,10, 0x008aff, {x:0, y:470},{x:260, y:0},{x:300, y:0})
    let lineTexture = this.app.renderer.generateTexture(this.line)
    let lineSprite = new PIXI.Sprite(lineTexture)
    lineSprite.x = 110
    lineSprite.y = 200

But it doesn't appear on the app stage , what am I doing wrong ?




Edited by zlobul
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Sure - https://www.pixiplayground.com/#/edit/aj27y5c_43_nRiQoOGvIv

or this one : https://www.pixiplayground.com/#/edit/WLgv1hHjxtRPEUsbtr1_L


Also which method will be faster , to draw the lines or to load them as Sprites from image files ? I know the amount of operations is low here - only 10 lines , but in theory loading them from .png files looks to me the faster method.

Edited by zlobul
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I think I managed to do it with image files:

wheelContainer = new PIXI.Container()

blueLine = new PIXI.Texture.from('img/Blue_line.png')
purpleLine = new PIXI.Texture.from('img/Purple_line.png')
pinkLine = new PIXI.Texture.from('img/Pink_line.png')
cyanLine = new PIXI.Texture.from('img/Cyan_line.png')

const lines = [this.blueLine, this.purpleLine, this.pinkLine, this.cyanLine]

for (let i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
  let texture = lines[Math.floor(Math.random() * lines.length)]
  let newLineSprite = new PIXI.Sprite(texture)
  newLineSprite.y = -10 - (i * 10)
this.lineContainer.position.set(800, 510)

The question remains , which approach will be faster - drawing the lines or load them as Textures from PNG files ?

Edited by zlobul
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Here is the final code I wrote to make it work , not sure if there is a better way ....

blueLine = new PIXI.Texture.from('img/Blue_line.png')
purpleLine = new PIXI.Texture.from('img/Purple_line.png')
pinkLine = new PIXI.Texture.from('img/Pink_line.png')
cyanLine = new PIXI.Texture.from('img/Cyan_line.png')

lastWins = new Map()

// just generating random line type sprites and position them in the container

const lines = [this.blueLine, this.purpleLine, this.pinkLine, this.cyanLine]

    for (let linePos = 0; linePos < 40; linePos++) {
        let texture = lines[Math.floor(Math.random() * lines.length)]
        let newLineSprite = new PIXI.Sprite(texture)
        newLineSprite.y = -10 - (linePos * 10)
        this.lastWins.set(linePos, newLineSprite )
    this.lineContainer.position.set(800, 510)

onComplete: () => {
drawWiningLine(sector: number){
    let texture
    if (this.isEven(sector)){
      texture = this.blueLine
    else if (gameConfig.sectorNumbersPink.includes(sector)) {
      texture = this.pinkLine
    else if (gameConfig.sectorNumbersPurple.includes(sector)) {
      texture = this.purpleLine
    else {
      texture = this.cyanLine
    this.addToLineMap(this.lastWins, texture)

  addToLineMap(map, texture){

    map.forEach((value, key) => {    
      if ( key == 39 ) {
        let newLineSprite = new PIXI.Sprite(texture)
        map.set(key, newLineSprite )
      else if (key == 0) {
        let nextPosValue = map.get(key+1)
      } else {
        let nextPosValue = map.get(key+1)

  drawLineMap(map) {
    map.forEach((value, key) => {
    sprite.y = -(position * 10)


Edited by zlobul
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Also which method will be faster , to draw the lines or to load them as Sprites from image files ? I know the amount of operations is low here - only 10 lines , but in theory loading them from .png files looks to me the faster method.

I dont think there's a difference on 10 lines :)

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