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When loading tileset -- has no method 'tileset'


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I'm currently using v1.1.5 and I'm having problems loading up a tileset in my preloader state. Below is a code snippet and the error I get on Chrome's developer console.


Preloader State:

BasicGame.Preloader = function (game) {};BasicGame.Preloader.prototype = {	preload: function() {		// In here I successfully load a bunch of images, spritesheets and atlas xml                // ...		// Tilesets -- this is where the error happens!		this.game.load.tileset('base_tileset', 'assets/tiles_spritesheet.png', 70, 70);	},		create: function() {		text = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.centerX, this.game.world.centerY,                     'Loading screen', {font: '65px Arial', fill: '#fff'});		text.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);				// Once the load has finished we disable the crop because we're going to sit in                 // the update loop for a short while as the music decodes		this.preloadBar.cropEnabled = false;				this.game.state.start('TitleScreen');	}};


Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'tileset' 

Anyone have any ideas on what I'm doing wrong. All of my other loads are successful, can't figure out what the issue is! Thanks in advance :)

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Ah ok perfect! Thanks, I got it working.


Is there currently a way to offset the tilemap layer? Can't seem to figure it out. I'm using Tiled Map Editor to generate the json. I set the map offset in Tiled, but dont see it reflected anywhere in the json file... Can I fix it within Phaser?


Thanks in advance!

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