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Phaser 2.0 Where to start?


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I tried phaser out some months ago, and i liked it alot. But i got kinda stuck because the lack of tutorials. Now because it did like Phaser so much i decided to come back and take a look at it again. I've seen some new tutorials but the problem is i heard that these won't work in Phaser 2.0? And i can't find any phaser 2.0 tutorials. So is there any place where i can find some basic stuff or do i need to figure everything out by myself? (which i can't cause i'm a beginner with js lol)



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The documentation is pretty clear and the examples page is also good.


I put off using a framework for the longest time because I thought I wouldn't be able to figure it out. You have to just dive right in and give it a go. If you get stuck on something specific just nag at the people here. That's what I do. haha Don't wait for some perfect tutorial that will teach absolutely everything, cause you'll probably be waiting a long time.


Just go through the examples. http://examples.phaser.io/


Edit: Also check out LessMilk.com for some good examples.

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Make sure you concentrate on learning javascript first, then try to learn phaser. Read the documentation and learn from the examples. It's quite easy to do things with phaser once you understand javascript.

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