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Pointer controls


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Just starting out with Phaser as a bit of passing time out of work and got a little demo spaceship nicely flying around a big world with some background planets which currently moves its camera via keyboard, the question would be how would I go about to move the world camera with dragging the mouse/pointer?


Also, how would I go about detecting a double click/double tap?


And lastly even though this works, just seeing if there is a better way to rotate my space ship with tweening then this:


    var angle = game.physics.angleToPointer(ship, pointer);
    if (Math.abs(ship.rotation - angle) > Math.PI)
        if (angle < 0)
            angle = 2 * Math.PI + angle;
            angle = - 2 * Math.PI + angle;
    var d = Math.abs(ship.rotation - angle) / Math.PI * 1000;
    rotationTween = game.add.tween(ship).to({ rotation: angle }, d);



Thanks a bunch for Phaser as this will be a nice pass time for off work.


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